Monday, November 30, 2009

I just want to go to Strawberry Fields Forever. Sounds magical.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am thankful for,
my family, my church, happiness, chocolate, reading, creativity, love, yoga, freedom, colors, my journal, the internet, poetry, old photographs, green grass, old movies, my room, summer, snow, chai tea, conditioner, new england, great examples, sunshine, open windows, art, laughing, long car rides, my grandparents, fresh air, the flute, walks, the stars, stories, books, comfy days, beautiful landscapes, cute clothes, kitties, late- conversations, movie nights, food & chances.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I HATE TEENAGERS SO MUCH! I am so ready to get away from it all. I am an old lady in a young girl's body.

These are by the artist Mark Weaver. So rad.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Children 18:3

Amazing Christian Rock Band of the night? Children 18:3^

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stalking brings wonderful outcomes.

The internet can be quite a scary thing. People look at everything you post and creep on you. Well I felt like one of those creepy people today. But not in the same way. I checked out some blogs just to see how this thing works. And I learned that and also got some other great stuff. I am now going to look up,

"Dominos"- the Big Pink
-Grizzly Bear
-Swimming in the speakers
-Passion Pit
-"Relator"- Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson

I am going to rent,

-500 Days of Summer

and I am going to subscribe to Vogue.
Stalking can bring some wonderful outcomes.

Wise words.

blogging? Sounds fun.

Alright so I just got this blog and I think it could probably be pretty cool. I am kind of excited! Let's just see how you use this thing... I think I'll play with this for a little while.