Thursday, August 5, 2010

Curves and Curls

The typical beauty of today is having the smallest body and the sleekest hair right? But what is typical really? Because in my life I've know people who come in all sizes and shapes. People with every color hair and some crazy styles. And you know what? They are all beautiful in their own way.

I'm always trying to overcome my self conciousness about what I look like. I hate to admit to this weakness but yes, I do get the blues over my appearance.

Recently though, I've been feeling pretty content with how things are. Summer and EFY and many recent experiences of mine have left my feeling confident and pretty and well, just, GOOD.

Loving yourself is a constant struggle. Not just for me but for everyone! And all I know is I really wanna try and work on it.

From now on, I love my curves and my curls. Because they make me unique and they make me who I am.

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