Sunday, February 6, 2011

Right Now

My mom just made beef stew for dinner. Yum.
She made brownies w/ peanut butter frosting for dessert.

When I am older, I am going to be just like her and make delicious Sunday night dinners. Actually, I will make delicious dinner every night.

So, I just registered for SATs. I might throw up. I'm also taking a free SAT given by my school this weekend. My life has become a jumble of tests and work.

I had a really great weekend this weekend. Unexpectedly good.

Friday night, my best friend came down to hang out with me. We went to Panera and ran into another one of my friend's and her boyfriend. They joined us and we had a lovely little time.

It is always a relief when your different friends don't clash. Everyone got along great and we laughed the night away.

On Saturday I woke up bright and early, 5:15. I went to an Academic Decathelon meet for the day. I am not exceptionally smart, but I figured Acadec would be a great addition to my college apps. It's actually proved to be a lot of fun!

We took loads and loads of tests, which left me completely exhausted. At the awards ceremony I got an honorable mention for the music test! I was beyond thrilled. Also, my team made states! Which was awesome.

Saturday night I played lazertag for the first time! It is SO MUCH FUN. I went with a bunch of lovely friends and we had the best time! It was a great night.

Today I went to church, which is always good. It really refreshes me, and gets me ready for the stressful week ahead. It was great today.

Now I'm relaxing, while my grandparents visit. I'm also planning my trip to Washington DC/Virgina over April vacation :D I can not wait for that!

I think I am going to get myself a peanut butter frosted brownie!

Later Gators!

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