Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Week

SAT's on Saturday.
AP Test next Wednesday.

This is what I have been working towards. I am scared beyond my wit's end. I realize how lame it may seem, to get so worked up over these tests but I take them very seriously. I am going to be in that hair pulling-stomach churning-nervous wreck state for the next week & 1/2.

I feel like I might be a tad dramatic because the truth is I probably won't do terrible. I am just a perfectionist, and I want to be perfect.

Wish me luck on my life! Not only do I have big tests to study for, but I have the usually tedious work/homework, & this week my friends decided to throw a bunch of drama into the mix. Fun stuff.

I'm just looking towards summer. The end is in sight. Junior year will not be missed in the slightest.

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