Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dream a Little Dream

Well yesterday I looked at colleges. YIKES. If I wasn't nervous before I sure am now. Just the idea of going off somewhere, not knowing anyone, and not even knowing who I am or what I want makes me want to crawl  under the covers and hide. But I think it's about time I told you about my latest idea, one that I really think might stick...

Here it is. I have a bit of a check list for my future job.

I want a place that reflects who I am.
I want a place where I won't dread going everyday.
I want to stay in New England (please)
I want to be the boss

Ahaha tough list right? WRONG. I've got the perfect plan.

I would like to own a little cafe. I would style it all in my own way, serving yummy sandwiches and treats! Anything I felt like! I would make all the play lists myself and there would even be a little book nook. A cozy little spot to call mine. It sounds like a dream come true to me. Now trust me, I am aware of this economy. I am aware of how difficult it is to get a business like this up of the ground. But you know what? I am willing to do this. I figure I will take business classes in college, dream my way through (study too!) and make it happen. Hopefully I can do it! What do you think? Would you stop by for a chocolate peanut butter bar and a good jam or two?

Right now I would love to dream and plan for this, but unfortunately I've got homework to do.
Senioritis rears it's ugly head again. Gr, so many fun things to do, but so little time for fun.

XOXO emma

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