Saturday, September 3, 2011

Warning: I'm Angry

Alright, I normally try not to dwell to much on human behavior because frankly, I find it horrible. I also don't quite understand it. Why do people do all these terrible things to people who truly care? Why are people insane is basically my question.

If there is a person giving you genuine advice and who honestly wants to help you, let them. Thank them. At least act grateful. If you treat people like crap, newsflash, they are going to abandon you. Nobody wants to be your friend when you look down on them and if you treat them terrible. I know that is a really hard concept to understand, but get it through your head, that is just the way it is.

The fact that you can simply toss your real friends aside who tried to help, just for the sake of popularity or 5 minutes of fame, is seriously sick. And no one really wants to be friends with that sort of person anyway. I think friendship is so important, and when a friend doesn't treat you right, you need to let them loose. Makes sense right?

I'm sorry for this mean post, but my friend has been seriously mistreated. Her intentions are pure and she has a beautiful soul. Maybe she has a more colorful use of words, and maybe she doesn't want to be best friends with the person she tried to help, but she deserves such better treatment. There's more to people than you might think.

I encourage everyone to look past just someones face and attitude. I admit I've been in quite the judgmental zone lately, but if I really think about it, everyone is good. Even if it's deep down. I definitely needed to get this out of my system so I can move on. I am trying a detox of all things judgmental. I really want to get back to the good ol' me. The one who was sweet and kind. Let's get that girl back pronto!

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