Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Saturday Off? What's That?

I realized the other day that I haven't had a Saturday of in a million years. Not just that, but I always work in the morning, so no sleep for me. I shouldn't complain though, because working in the day is good. It gives me the night to parTAY! Like what I am doing right now.

I worked all day today, went to a church christmas party, and now I am sitting on the computer, shoving my face with popcorn, & crying while watching edward scissorhands. Um, it's emotional okay? I sometimes cannot even fathom how cool I am.

I was going to dye my hair, but I felt lazy. So that will be a task for tomorrow. That is sort of why I choose these pictures. To show you that  have a lot of hair. & if you didn't already know that, shame on you. Have you seen my blog title? Curliest hair in the land. Sure, one is ridiculous & the other is shadowy, but I think these pictures are hilarious. I mean look at me? So comical, it's crazy.

Um, my friend met Matt & Kim today, and I am so jealous. I hope I work with her soon because I need to hear about it. I wish exciting things like that happened in my life...

I always jumble my posts. I hope it's more quirky than confusing. I really want to write a book. Well, short stories. I just am not sure how to go about doing that. But I think it might work. I have lots to say. & I'm decent at writing. I have a voice at least. Should I start posting stories on here? Too weird? I don't know yet.

I at least need to start taking more new pictures and stop hunting down obscure old ones from my archives. That's right I am tricking you. These pictures are from September. I don't look like this now at all. I now have a double chin, a hairy unibrow, and pussy zits all over my face. Pleasant no? Now you are thankful I have no recent pictures. See what I did there?

Okay, I am going to stop sounding like a moron now. Goodnight all, enjoy your lives, I'm sure they are more eventful than mine. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Emma

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