Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!
This is such a big year for me. I'm graduating!
2012, I'm so ready for you! I'm glad you're finally here!

Okay, so in November I heard about this huge New Years' dance and got REALLY excited. I've honestly been looking forward to it for a month. But you know what happens when you get your hopes up. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday. I felt sickypoo and lame all day. I had a tummyache & a headache. The day dragged on, and I mean draaaaged. I tried on my dress and wanted to die. All I could think was time for some serious dieting, pronto. Then some other stuff happened at the dance and basically it was breakdown central. I'm usually okay at containing the tears, but for some reason I was just exploding on everyone of my poor friends. I think it was a combination of a lot of things. Now that it is the day after, I just feel extremely embarrassed. Oh, and ready to start that diet. Which is happening this week by the way. BUT despite all of that, the dance had it's moments. I got to twirl around like a princess in my dress, see some friends that I love oh so much, & look forward to the future. Because the future is always brighter.

 And LOOK, the future is here! Things are finally starting, and I should be finding out from schools whether I'm in or not verrrry soon! Also, I started making my resolution list. Here it is,

1. Get into college
2. Get thinner
3. Start on that book
4. Finish Personal Progress
5. Arise and shine forth

What's that last one, you ask? For the youth in my church we have a annual theme, and 2012's is:

"Arise and shine forth, that thy light might be a standard to all nations."(Doctrine & Covenants 115:5)

We talked about it today in class, and it really touched me. Lately I've been feeling sort of lonely. Okay not just lately, I usually do. But ecspecially now that I am getting older and all my friends are changing. At times I feel like a priss or that I am not good enough. But, I am making a New Year's resolution to brush that off my shoulders, get up, and show the world who I truly am. I know that I have the potential to do great things, but I am my own worst enemy. I need to love myself, so others can do the same. You can tell how emotional I am right now can't cha?

Alright 2012, you're here. Please treat me well.Let's get going on those resolutions.

xoxo Emma

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