Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blurp & Music Crush

Cleaning hardcore right now. I want to start the new year off right.
Speaking of starting the new year off right, I have started the dieting proccess! Huzzah for me!
Of course, I am not entirely commited as of yet (I may have had a few Hershey's Kisses today)
but I am still off to a good start.

Breakfast: 1 sliced green apple w/ sunflower seed butter (like peanut butter)
Morning Snack: Carrots
Lunch: Tuna w/ Miracle Whip & a slice of Mom's homemade bread with butter.
Dinner: Eggs & Cheese

I'm doing okay! I definitely want to do a smidge better, but it's only the second day. Give me a break!

Okay enough about my eating habits. Here's some music I've been digging lately!

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