Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Another one of my best friends is leaving tomorrow, but yesterday was the last time I'd see her. We threw a fun get-together and it was an awesome, relaxing day. I made her "we love you eliza!" cupcakes and we also got her a little present. As the day went on I was surprised. I thought I would be much much sadder. I mean this was the last time we would have a hang out like this; all together. I mean I know there's christmas and next summer, but honestly who knows whats gonna happen. It is all going to be different. I wish it didn't have to be, but it is what is going to happen. It needs to be accepted. And I'm trying to. Although I do actually think this little group has the potential to still be together 20 years from now. That's how much I love them all.

Anyways as the day died down, and we looked for shooting stars I just felt so peaceful. I mean everything happens for a reason. We are all going to go through so much change this year, but the outcome will be good overall. And my biggest fear is drifting from these people, the friends I call family, but I feel sort of calm about it. I feel like the distance will only make these friendships stronger. At least, that is what I hope. Eliza was the last to leave my house and with a 5 minute hug, the tears finally came. But I'm lucky, I'll be visiting her in Utah while I'm out there in Idaho. I think this year is going to take me, and everyone else, on an incredible journey. I'm actually pretty excited to see what this year brings!

I can hardly believe 3 weeks from today I will be boarding a plane. I've seriously got so much to do! I have so many people to see! All I really want to do is just stay at home all day and cuddle my puppies. Oh boy, this is going to be hard.

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