Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Brief Weekend Post

Rachael bought a venus fly trap. We played with that for a while.
I unknowly took pictures of myself via webcam.
I wrote copious amounts of letters instead of doing homework.
I went to a concert at a delicious burger place.
Yum black bean burger, sweet potato fries, & peanut butter cup shake. 
Treated myself to the freakin' weekend. 

Then I went to a party in a parking lot.
So much fun! & they actually had decent music.
Next day was yet another party, and it was also awesome!

Today was a lovely Sunday complete with a nutritious tuna salad!
One of my favorites! I love salads, it's so easy to just throw together
a bunch of yummy things and they taste lovely!
And that was my weekend. The end. 

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