Friday, September 14, 2012

So Like..

here's the thing. I LOVE grocery shopping. Is that weird? Yes it's probably weird. But I don't care because I love it. I think creating food, and taking care of your body is beautiful and I just love all the different choices. The grocery store makes me feel in control of my crazy life. Also, I love the festive-ness of the holiday season. Halloween themed oreos? m & m's? I mean c'mon. Who doesn't get excited. Not that I'm gonna eat those treats but still. Although speaking on the subject, I did buy a bunch of chips...and chocolate. In my defense they were multi-grain chips and dark chocolate. Also, being on my own is hard and I feel blue. So there. Yesyes, I know you shouldn't "eat your feelings" but damn it, this is hard.

Anywho back to the grocery store. I just have so much fun picking out my own things. Knowing that they're mine. I just can't believe I'm finally doing it. I'm on my own. Maybe I'll get a job at the grocery store, hmm. Is it strange to have so much to talk about about the grocery store?

Yesterday was my first experience shopping there by myself. Well, that isn't actually true. But it was the first time grocery shopping for me and me alone. It was the first time I had to heave cans of soup into my backpack and hike it back to my apartment. I loved it.

And although I'm splurging a bit on operation Get Hot (mom actually just sent me an e-mail that said operation G.H. I love it) I figure this week it is necessary. I really can't tell you how hard it's been. And for some reason, I can't cry. Let me tell ya, I've felt like cry more times than I can count, but the tears just won't come out. And that is frustrating for me because i love to cry. I'm a bit of a cry baby actually. I like to know that I am feeling something. I honestly said a prayer asking God to let me cry. Am I nuts or what?

But operation G.H. is in the works, no doubt about it. This week has been transition week & heal my ankle week. Next week, I'm gonna work it. I've gotta make all dem boys drop to their knees ;) But mostly I just want to feel comfortable in my own body. Woo here we go! Plans for a bright future start now!

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