Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Love

Ah, yes homework. It's what I should be doing.
Actually it's what I've successfully been avoiding for 2 days.
Or has it been 3? To be short, I'm a PROcrastinator.

As you can see breakfast was a grapefruit. 
lunch was a veggie burger *not pictured.
I'm recovering from a bit of a lazy weekend filled with too much food.
Actually it's been that way the past few weekends it seems.
I'll get there.

The real challenge of the week is to get my butt up & on a run.
Which is going to happen. And I'm going to learn to love it.
Or else.
No, but seriously, it's the next big step.
Besides the whole cutting out soda last week, which was a toughy.
I'm also acknowledging my vices.
In list form they consist of,
*soda (check!)
*fatty cheese
*peanut butter

I'm almost certain I could add to that list.
But for the most part, those are the foods I need to cut down & cut out. 
Wish me luck! Getting in shape is hard.

I just talked to the fam bam for almost 2 hours.
1st I called the house then Nana & Papa.
It's Papa's birthday & he was still at church, so I couldn't wish him a happy birthday!
So I talked to Nana about health stuff & my goals/routine.
& she told me about her strives to lose weight for surgery.
I'm proud that she is trying to make good choices.
I want to make sure I do that now so surgeries won't be a part of my future.

That phone call left me inspired.
It's nice to have positive reinforcements that are impressed with your progress and outlook.
I get inspired and pumped for the future. 
I am ready to run. I am ready to take a hold of my health & make good routines.
I want to be like my Papa, who can't get enough exercise.
I talked to my Nana about a lot of things, & I just feel so comforted.

It's so nice to know that I have family & friends out there who believe in me & my ambitions.
I just love to count my blessings. I have so many. 

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