Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So, I love this picture of myself.
I look back on pictures from last year and it's crazy to see how I've progressed.

I'm recovering from girl's weekend this week and feeling so good.
I want to look at this picture and remember this feeling.
I CAN do this and I WILL do this.
Slow and steady really does win the race.
I know that what I need to do is get back to basics.
Get closer to nature, by eating fruits, veggies, and wholesome foods.
I need to get my butt up, stop being lazy and workout.
Even if that just means talking a walk around the block, it's better than nothing.
I also need to make sure I rest and listen to my body and what it needs. 

Another thing I've been doing this week is giving myself positive encouragement,
A lot of times the voice in my head is really bitchy and mean.
She beats me down, and I used to think this was a great way to disipline myself.
It is in a way, but I've learned that I also need to nurture and love myself.
I mean who else is going to do that for me? No one. 
I need to make sure I am taking care of my self-image. 
I like to give myself daily affirmations, I CAN DO IT!

I'm also learning to take care of my spiritual health.
Today as I was doing homework I had procrastinated for my Book of Mormon class
I felt so good. I love reading it, and I feel so at peace when I do.
I realized that I need to stop leaving it all for last minute and I NEED to read everyday. 
It's my next goal.

I feel so swamped and overwhelmed by my homework and trying to get it all together
while I am missing home. And it gets so discouraging this whole weight loss thing. 
But in the end, I know I am making strivings towards a better future and I am very happy about that.


and I miss them so much, 52 more days MA! Here I come!

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