Friday, October 5, 2012


Meet the roomies!
Allison, Alaura, Kim, Lani, & B-Day girl Courtney!
I got so lucky, these girls are awesome.
We went to Idaho Falls for Court's birthday
& I had Cafe Rio for the 1st time.
Apparently it's a big deal here, and now I see why!
So yummy! Court says her birthday is calorie free, so I also had some Kiwi Loco too.
Oh, confessions.

And while we are on the subject, I have a little rant. 
capital letters were necessary, because seriously my frustration is through the roof.
I'm just so frustrated with my body. And I know I should be grateful.
Because truly I haven't been doing bad at all, but I just feel like such a cow.
And I HATE HATE HATE it. I wish I didn't feel this way.
Honestly, it floors me that I let myself get SO bad to begin with.
Like if I feel like a fat cow now, what was I before I lost all this weight?
okay, I have no time for this rant right now.
I've gotta catch my zzz's. But it will be continued. Trust me. 

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