Saturday, November 17, 2012

Just Little Things

A few images I am feeling inspired by today.
Also two of my favorite women.

Today I have a few things running through my mind.

-I love classical christmas tunes, why is it only 1 month of the year? whyyyyy?

-I've sort of become a domestic house mumma, I'm on a constant search for recipes,
is this real life? 

-I really love the scriptures, and my church, and this school.
It has really influenced me is such a positive way. 
I feel like a stronger person here, and I am so grateful for the Lord's hand in my life.
Or more accurately, his punches to my face. Cause I've seriously had some of those lately.
-I am grateful for repentance and progress.

-I am grateful for cold weather and warm food. Or chocolate-y food. Acually just food in general.
Oy veyyy.

-The eliptical is an absolutely miracle worker. 4, one hour work-outs this week and I already feel my buns of steel. Let's keep this going. 30 lbs. to go WOOOOOOOOOO

-I am grateful for my mumma and daddy. I just really really am.

-I'm also grateful for best friends and new friends. I love conversations that make you go WHOA
life's kinda awesome.

Weekends just rock. Even if I totally gain 5 pounds every time.
Here's to an awesome thanksgiving week. 

Now to do homework BLEH

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