Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oh, so I had this really awesome ugly sweater party over break!
& i just remembered I had pictures to prove it!

I miss home, and my friends.
Idaho can get sorta lonely even though everyone is so nice.
Sometimes your roots are what you need for true comfort.
But I'll make the best of my time here!
After all April 14th is super soon in my eyes!

In other news I've really been considering where I am headed.
I mean what would bring me true bliss?
I think it would be awesome to be a nutritionist. 
I am so passionate about it. And I could imagine that in my future.
But is the a good idea? How's the salary?
I've got so much I'm unsure of.

When I think about a job, I want to be active.
I want time to take care of my body.
Time for more yoga practice.
I want enough financial stability to live humbly and travel. 
And I REALLY want a family. 
I want it to be a main focus.
I just need a man first! All in due time of course ;)

And as far as the next imediate step goes,
I'm torn.
I know I want to do a service mission, possibly a church mission, study abroad, and work at disney.
I also want to live at home for a bit and make some money.
Maybe eventually move to the city.
Idaho has been great but I want so much more!
Maybe I'll change pace and try out school in Utah too.
There is so much out there! I have so much to do!
But for now I'm on the couch enjoying my lazy Saturday.
And trying not to think too much!!

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