Monday, February 18, 2013

Scattered Thoughts

I need to blog right now.
Because things are fresh in my mind.

First off, it has been a great relaxing weekend in SLC.
But I've really got to get my lazy butt up & sweat it out.

"Sweat daily, indulge often."
I love this quote.

The other thing is I want to run! I've got running a marathon in mind,
but it is going to take a long time to train my body.
It is a goal for me though. And I want to make sure I am using my built up energy and working my body.

We were walking around SLC the other day, & there was a Whole Foods!
I am one of those foodie nerds who goes into the grocery store just to browse and not buy anything.
Also I am a poor college student who purposely didn't bring her wallet.
Thought I'd avoid the temptation ;) 

Anywho, while I was in there looking around, wearing my yoga leggings and new sneaks;
I felt totally and completely inspired. Don't ask me why, cause I have no clue.
But all of a sudden, I saw my future.
I could just picture myself. On a Saturday morning, fresh from a workout, shopping at Whole Foods.
A jug of water in my hand. It just felt so awesome.
I want to make sure I get back into my sweaty workout routine.
I know that once I go back home, I'll be ready to work it.
I might join my BFF's gym, and get a change of scenery which I desperately need.
Also, they have free fitness classes! In addition, I am ready to run the bogs & track at home.
Food is not so much an issue, now I am just focusing hard core on willpower & selfcontrol.
Overeating is a habit I desperately want to break ASAP.

Anyways, when I get back home, things will be great.
But for now, I've really got to pump myself up and hit the gym/track. 
It is so hard to stay motivated in the cold Idaho temperatures & the stressful workload of my classes.
But, my body will totally thank me if I find the time for sweaty work & strength training. 
 I've really got to balance my life.

I feel so out of whack and beyond lazy.
It's almost like I am walking through life half-awake.
So, I am making a goal to find balance this week.
I am driving the 4 hours back to Rexburg tonight, & I am going to start tomorrow off on the right foot.
Of course I am going to go easy on myself tomorrow,
I'll be tired & it is my busiest day. BUT I am still going to make this week great.

When you think about it, I only truly have 2 more months here.
Mostly just the long month of March. I think March needs to be a hard working month.
I am totally going to do it! I am going to get stronger, faster & healthier.
Most importantly, I will find balance. 

Here we go Em, let's make these next 2 months count!

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