Monday, September 13, 2010

Something Lovely & One Stressed Gal

I just adore this lovely wallpaper! I cannot wait until I have my own home or apartment so I can decorate!

Well, the stress is setting in. A.P. English is not going to be as easy as I thought. My brain turned to mush over the summer, and now I'm paying for it. It's not all that bad actually, I'm just overthinking and making myself crazy. The usual.

To all my Mormon buds, I just got every book in "The Work and The Glory," or whatever it's called. I'm pumped to read it because I've heard such great things about it.

Also, I have really been groovin' to The Mamas and The Papas. I'm such an oldies geek, it's ridiculous.

So last night I watched Anne of Green Gables; the Continuing Story and bawled my eyes out. Every since I was little I've loved the series, books and movies, but this last movie is so good. Watch it. I need to visit Prince Edward Island someday because it looks like the most beautiful place.

Anyways, that's my life. Hope yours is going good!

P.S. I'm supposed to get a call pretty soon from Hallmark! Cross your fingers that I get the job!

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