Thursday, October 21, 2010


Isn't it annoying when people ask you if you think they're annoying?
If you have to ask, you probably are.

Also, did you know Blockbuster is like out of business because Netflix is taking over the world. Just a little tid-bid of information I came across today.

On as side note, I am completely lacking the motivation to do my homework, so I might just turn in early. Goodness knows I need the sleep. I was totally loopy today.

Goodnight moon.


I can't not remember if I've already posted this. But I love this song so much. So listen to it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hey There

So anyways, my head is exploding.

To. Much. Stress.

I just got new pillows, that are EXTREMELY soft & I cannot wait to rest my head on them tonight. I loveeeee sleeping! I really really do!

What is so stressful about my life might you ask?

Ok, here's a list..

~Seminary (a.k.a I wake up at 4:45 to take a church class every morning)

~School: Chem's a killer, & AP English is no picnic either.

~ My Job: I work at Hallmark & I love it, I'm just afraid I'm going to screw up or do something stupid.

~I'm starting driver's ed next week. Kill me.

This is just a shortened verison of my stress-related stuff.

This sure has been a "woe is me" post. Sorry guys.

My life is actually pretty amazing actually. I have good friends, good family, good times, good...lots of things. I just needed to vent (:


I can't decide who I want to marry more..Jim or Dwight?
It is a really tough decision.
Oh man, this is gonna bug me.


Today was wear purple day, to acknowledge the recent suicides due top gay abuse. Yeahh purple!

Monday, October 11, 2010

October Magic

I think this time of year is magical. On the other hand, I think most things are magial. Welcome back Fall!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Dude, where can I get these rad glasses?
So, I've be crazy busy! Here's what I've been up to:

~ I got a job at Hallmark! And I've been training for that.

~I dyed my hair red! "Dark Intense Auburn" to be exact.

~I've been working on a grandparent journal. Basically I ask my grandparents a bunch of questions about themselves and record it in a journal. I am very excited about it!

~So, I joined academic decathlon because I'm a nerd like that, and it is a lot of studying and work!

~Classes are pretty crazy this year. I suck at Chem, big time. And math isn't a picnic either. A.P. English is tough, but I'm learning a lot. And I don't mind French and History. Still, junior year is the worst!

~Sleep is small to nonexistent in my life. And I really wish there were more hours in the day.

~ OK, the coolest thing. I went to the doctors and instead of giving me a flu SHOT, they gave me flu NASAL SPRAY. It was so much better than getting a shot.

~I went to my best friend's surprise party & it was amazing! She was SO surprised.

~My friend and I sent a care package to our friend who moved away this year, and I think she's really gonna like it. Hint- it contains Beatles t-shirt, candy, Japanese stuff, & of course, a Morgan Freeman movie. (Her nickname is Morgan Freeman.)

So, yeah. All in all, life's been pretty good.
I hope your life's going great too!

XOXO, Emma

Stuck in My Head