Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving just passed, so I thought I would tell you a few things I'm grateful for...

~I am grateful for my family, ecspecially my parents who drive me all over the place & take care of me.

~I am grateful for education and knowledge. Even though I may not jump at the thought of doing math problems.

~I am grateful for my lovely friends who make me feel special, and happy (:

~I am grateful for my job!

~I am grateful for my church and the wonderful people in it! And going along with that, I am grateful for God and all he does.

~ I'm grateful to live in this country, where we have so many luxuries and freedoms. I've recently been reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and I just finished "The Kite Runner" and I have become truely grateful for woman's rights here in America.

~I am grateful for the life I've lived and the life I have ahead. I'm grateful for all the good experiences I've had and even the bad ones.

~I am grateful for little acts of kindness and small moments of love.

~I am grateful for my family history and old pictures and journals to remind me of the past.

~I am grateful for music. Just cause it's awesome and stuff.

~I'm grateful for food. Seriously. I love to eat.

~I'm grateful for red nailpolish.

~I'm grateful for my camera! And all the great times and pretty sights I can catch and keep forever.

~I'm grateful for snow. Too bad we still don't have any. Oh, I'm also grateful for changing seasons! I'd hate for it to be sunny and 70 all. year. long.

~I'm grateful for the Chirstmas season! & all the fun that goes along with that.

Basically, I am grateful for a lot of things, everything actually, and I just wanted to express that. Ecspecially during the holiday season, I am constantly reminded about how lucky I am, and how beautiful life is!

It seriously is!

So smile, and laugh a litte. I certainly do.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Long time, No see

I have been neglecting my blog like crazy! I guess it has to do with getting a tumblr. But I decided tumblr just isn't the same.

Everything has been very crazy and very boring all at the same time. I've been doing the usually school and work thing, w/ some fun stuff thrown in.

This weekend my school's academic decathalon team almost got to states, but missed by the teeniest bit. We have another chance in Febuary, and I'm sure we'll kick butt. I joined acadec so I could put yet another thing on my college application, but I actually like it. Dork much.

So guys, it's almost the Christmas season! I am such a christmas nerd, you have no idea. I have watched Eloise at Christmastime at least 10 times already this month. I've had countless cups of hot chocolate. And christmas music, don't even get me started. Now we just need the christmas decorations to go up, and some lovely snow. Then my mood will be complete.

Well, I better get cracking on my studies! Salut!

P.S. It's national hug-a-mormon day apparently. I had no idea, but all my friends knew. So I come to school and had a tidewave of hugs thrown at me. Loved it!