Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving just passed, so I thought I would tell you a few things I'm grateful for...

~I am grateful for my family, ecspecially my parents who drive me all over the place & take care of me.

~I am grateful for education and knowledge. Even though I may not jump at the thought of doing math problems.

~I am grateful for my lovely friends who make me feel special, and happy (:

~I am grateful for my job!

~I am grateful for my church and the wonderful people in it! And going along with that, I am grateful for God and all he does.

~ I'm grateful to live in this country, where we have so many luxuries and freedoms. I've recently been reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and I just finished "The Kite Runner" and I have become truely grateful for woman's rights here in America.

~I am grateful for the life I've lived and the life I have ahead. I'm grateful for all the good experiences I've had and even the bad ones.

~I am grateful for little acts of kindness and small moments of love.

~I am grateful for my family history and old pictures and journals to remind me of the past.

~I am grateful for music. Just cause it's awesome and stuff.

~I'm grateful for food. Seriously. I love to eat.

~I'm grateful for red nailpolish.

~I'm grateful for my camera! And all the great times and pretty sights I can catch and keep forever.

~I'm grateful for snow. Too bad we still don't have any. Oh, I'm also grateful for changing seasons! I'd hate for it to be sunny and 70 all. year. long.

~I'm grateful for the Chirstmas season! & all the fun that goes along with that.

Basically, I am grateful for a lot of things, everything actually, and I just wanted to express that. Ecspecially during the holiday season, I am constantly reminded about how lucky I am, and how beautiful life is!

It seriously is!

So smile, and laugh a litte. I certainly do.

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