Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy March!

Hello there! Happy 2nd day of March!
I would have said happy march 1st, but I was sicky yesterday :(

So I just got back home after spending 3 hours on the dentist. Yuck.
Why do dentists insist on talking to you while they clean your teeth?

I heard something interesting that actually makes a lot of sense.
Did you know sleeping on your tummy means you worry to much?
Oh, and guess who sleeps on her tummy?
Yeah, this guy.
Explains a lot I suppose.

SO, it is the start of a new month and so far this month, I've eaten too much junk food and have not done anything productive. This is not good.
But, my plan is to get a healthy start and get in shape! Spring is soon! Prom is too, blah.

March always make me want to eat healthier and exercise. March is the month mum hates the most, but I actually quite like it. (I hate January most, eh its just the worst.)

Alright, so here's to a new, lovely month!

p.s. Isn't Fritzburg the cutest dog around?

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