Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh boy. This picture is a little too hipster.

Today I sort of got a reality check.
I had no idea how distracted I've been this past term.
I've been floating around, just like a zombie.
School is not going so hot.
So I guess I've really got to work on that.

On the brighter side of life, my roadtrip is in two weeks!
My mum, my brother, & I are hitting the road as soon as april vacation starts.
We are visiting friends, looking at colleges, and visiting our nation's capital!
I am totally stoked. I've never been.
I'm also going to test out my diana camera,
and of course bring around my lovely old gal as well.
It will be a full week of mixed tapes, pb&j's, and loveliness.
I can not wait.

I am trying to keep as positive as possible about this final stretch.
Summer is creepin' in, but I need to stay focused.
& although I can't wait for summer, I don't want it coming to quick.
Because truthfully, I'm scared of growing up to fast.

Lately I'm really unsure of where I am headed.
I mean what am I working at?
I don't know where I want to go, or what I want to do.
I give things so much effort and end up with less than I expect.
It sounds whiny and selfish,
but I just want to be amazing.

I just want to do something and be amazing at it. I want to be the best.

I realize that sounds terrible, but it would be really nice. It would make me feel good anyway.

Anyways, life is exciting and scary, but I'm surviving. Things always seem worse than they are, and you know what? I am almost there. So I am going to rub some dirt in it, and just relax.

Have a lovely weekend!

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