Saturday, April 23, 2011

A to Z

I stole this from my lovely friend Lauren. Check her out @ She's a pretty cool cat. Alright, here goes...

Age: 16

Bed size: rather small

Chore you hate: cleaning my room. It takes ages!

Dogs: Fritz! My cute, big, cuddly doggy.

Essential start to your day: cranberry juice & a warm shower.

Favorite color: torn between red, green, & mustard yellow.

Gold or Silver: Silver dahling.

Height: 5'8

Instrument: flute, piano, & hopefully ukulele and geetar.

Job Title: "Sales Associate" & "Receptionist"

Kids: ha.

Live: new england.

Mom's name: Deana.

Nickname: I don't really have one. Emma is short enough I guess.

Overnight hospital stays: so far, none.

Pet peeves: arrogance, among many things.

Quote from a movie: "I love you, I'll call you in 5 minutes"
-Buddy the Elf

Right-handed or left-handed: lefty!

Siblings: Ben & Peter.

Time you wake up: 4:45 every weekday.

Underwear: yes, I wear underwear...?

Vegetables you dislike: I love veggies!

What makes you run late: Changing my outfit. Or my family dilly-dallying.

X-rays: my mouth, my back, my arm.

Yummy food you make: chocolate peanut butter bars. numnumyumyumyum.

Zoo animal: elephants, they are the cutest things.

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