Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy, Kind Of


I am so relieved, but still kind of nervous. I missed the last 4 mulitple choice questions because I ran out of time. Also, my essays sucked. But, I am a perfectionist, so maybe they weren't as bad as I think. I just want a 3, if I have a 3 I will be happy. If by some crazy chance I get a 4 I will be ecstatic.

For breakfast I had a double yolked egg, so I think that was a sign of good luck. Cross your fingers for me!

This picture is from a few weeks ago. It was one of the funnest days I've had in a long while. I spent the day with my friends Haley and Sam doing a photoshoot on the beach. I'll upload some of those because I don't think I have yet. We had a lovely time, and I can't wait to do it again!

Anyways, now that I have finished with all this SAT and AP bologna, I can work on finishing up the school year, getting my liscense (long overdue), and losing weight! All this stress and extra eating and no time for exercise has left me in bad shape. The great part is the pool is finally open! So yay for swimming!

I am going to relax, treat myself to some victory ice cream, and some That 70's Show. Yeah, I know, the ice cream isn't such a hot start to this diet. Well, there's always tomorrow!!

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