Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Art Nerdiness

Life has sucked for the past few weeks. But Saturday was a fun day!

I went with my friend Dougy to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston! He considers himself as an art genius so I let him teach me all about linear and impressionism and all that cool artsy stuff which I have yet to learn. I do plan on learning more about art in the future, but Doug gave me an overview.

Anyways we had a great time there, being art nerds! I loved it. Then we spent some time on the Commons and wandering aimlessly around. We even came across some zombies! It was the annual Zombie March! That was cool and unexpected.

Saturday was a great day, but now I am back to my life. I am very done with school and the craziness it comes with. Summer come now!

* Almost forgot! I have a little bit of news! Hallmark (my place of employment...for now) has decided to share me with another store in the town next door. Meaning twice the shifts and twice the cash! Sweet deal! It's kind of cool to be the choosen one! :) Also, I will be a receptionist @ my mum's work this summer in mondays. Making bank.

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