Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just One of those Days

This week has been rough. I mean Monday was wonderful (that's when these pictures were taken.) I went to the beach for probably the last weekend of the summer. I also met an incredible film photographer. Check out his work here. But ever since then, it's been all down hill.

Yesterday had to have been the worst day of my life. Let's just say I almost got in a car accident because some idiot decided to ignore a stop sign. And no, I am not that idiot. Later that night I was an idiot though, and left my headlights on at work...for 5 hours. My battery died and I had to get the mall cops to jump my car. I was so distressed and distracted that I ran my first red light. That was just the cherry on top. I got home and discovered my phone fell apart in my purse, due to a spillage of eye make-up remover. So that's gone. Then my car wouldn't start today because apparently my battery holds grudges. Cool.

To add to this whole mess, I've been in a terrible mood. I honestly think school is a major contributor. It's depressing. And I'm not just talking about the work load or the snotty kids, I think school seriously affects you're mind. It makes you feel low and rotten. So that's just great. Oh, and did I tell you I'm sick? Yep, I could probably come up with more awesome things but I think it's time to look to the positive.

I am grateful that I was safe and did not get in a car accident.
I am grateful for mall cops and their jolly dispositions.
I am grateful that I am lucky enough to have the oppurtunity for an education.
I am grateful that I only have allergies and not a life-threatening diease.
I am grateful that I have a car, even if we're in a fight.

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