Friday, October 28, 2011

Ferris Bueller

This poor little blog has been so neglected lately. But big, stressful, life things have been happening and leaving me exhausted. College this, school that. Friends, family, church, work. There just isn't enough Emma to go around. But I did have a stress-relieving day yesterday!

My best friend Charlotte came home from her ballet boarding school for a long weekend and I ditched school to spend the day with her! It was very cold and very very rainy. But it was perfect.

Have you seen the show Parenthood? I mainly started watching it because Lauren Graham was in it, and I am Gilmore Girls no. 1 fan, but now I am totally hooked.
It honestly makes me so emotional. But in the good kind of way.

Hm, I really don't have too much else to say. I'm just working a lot. Merry Christmas by the way. Hallmark is decked out in ornaments and Peanuts products. It's a crazy time right now. Then there's college applications which are FREAKING ME OUT. I am really trying to get into BYU or BYU-I. They are cheaper for me and I just really want to try that out. Being around some different people, trying something new. It scares me to leave New England and my family though. But I need to take the plunge sometime, somehow. I really really want to get into either of those two.

I need to catch up my grades & catch up my Zzz's this weekend. That is my goal. I also have a photoshoot Saturday morning and a church activity & concert Saturday night! It is going to be a really fun weekend. No work either! How strange is that?

Have a lovely weekend kitties!

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