Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hello There

I have recovered! Sort of.
Tuesday sent me into a whole new sickness and I could not leave my bed.
But I got back in the swing of things today.

Do you ever feel like your life isn't real?
I'm just going about the motions, but I can't feel anything.
College seemed like this big, important thing (it is)
But, there's more to life than college.
It's weird to think that, because I've been working towards it for so long.
I am scared that I won't get in. Then I'll be really lost.

My blog is so boring. I had all these wonderful ideas back in the summer about how to spice things up.
I really need to do that.
I can't just keep using the "I'm busy" excuse.
There will never be a time when I'm NOT busy.
Hm, maybe that's something I'll work on.

My blog is also so scattered.
After all, it's just my random thoughts exploding on the page.
Man, I need to be more organized.
Cause, to tell you the truth, I'm a mess.
I need to get my act together. 

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