Monday, November 14, 2011


Did I tell you I've been sicky for a week?
It started as a little cold, but grew into a monster.
I spend my whole nights coughing and have already gone through 2 boxes of tissues.

But luckily DayQuil saved my life today,
as well as, hot chocolate and beef stew.

I stayed home the past couple of days to rest and get back to normal.
Almost there.

In other news, I am obsessed with Josh Groban's voice.
I think it's love.
I'm also crazy about She & Him's new Christmas album.
Yes, I am one of those annoying people who starts her Christmas celebrations
right after Halloween. I actually considered starting Christmas before that, but I resisted.
People say that I'll get sick of it, but I know I won't.
It's the happiest time of the year! How could I ever get sick of Elf, twinkling lights, holiday-scented candles, Bing Crosby, snowflakes, hot chocolate, peppermint bark, fires, and cozy clothes?
Seriously people.
I work at Hallmark, there's no limit to what I can handle.

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