Thursday, November 24, 2011


I know that I've posted way too many videos lately.
But what is thanksgiving without the annual listening of "Alice's Restaurant"?
And if you haven't heard this song, you needed to be schooled.
So you're welcome.

I am so incredibly grateful today.
I had my very last high school football game today, and I've been feeling extremely nostalgic.
This also may be my last thanksgiving home for a while.
As I've spent time with my friends and my family I have really been thinking about the future.
I need to spend this time enjoying the people in my life and the place I live.

I am thankful for new england, and it's beauty.
I am thankful for my mom & dad who do so much.
I am thankful for my brothers who are really good kids, even if they bug me sometimes.
I am thankful for a good group of friends, who put up with me.
I am thankful for my grandparents and their love.
I am thankful for my church, which keeps me level headed.
I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who loves me and reminds me that I am a daughter of God.
I am thankful for a good job filled with caring people.
I am thankful for my comfortable home and my cozy bed.
I am thankful that I have food to eat and water to drink.
I am thankful for my experiences and the life I have lived so far.
I am thankful for the oppurtunities ahead of me.
I am thankful for good music and beautiful art.
I am thankful for my car, even when he gets moody.
I am thankful for my doggies, and the time we spend snuggling.
I am thankful for kitties and their purring.
I am thankful for candles.
I am thankful for my bright, new, red coat.
& I am thankful that it is now officially the christmas season!


I have a truly beautiful life, and I am  grateful that we have this day to remind us to count our blessings. When I think about our troops suffering overseas, or of those people who hardly have the nesseccities of life to survive, I want to cry. Why do I complain so much when I am so lucky? I have so much.
I am so blessed.

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