Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well guess who finally got accepted into college? ME!
Brigham Young University-Idaho.
It is my first acceptance so I am over the top excited!
Also, it is my 2nd choice if I do not get into BYU.
Yay for me! I found out Thursday in the Mcdonalds' parking lot.
Is that classy or what? Something I will always remember.
I got home later that day and Mum had bought me a Hallmark Card!
She had the boys sign it and everything! She was so excited for me :)

Sorry for the terrible webcam quality. Also for the zits. But check out my happy smile!
I instantly felt relieved that moment I found out.
It was no secret that I had been feeling anxious and lousy while the rest of my friends were getting into schools. Now I am happy and I love it!
I'm still nervous about BYU but I know whatever happens, happens for a reason.
The Lord has got a plan for me, and I cannot wait to see what happens!

Today is Sunday, and I am feeling overwhelmingly grateful for my church.
Everyone there is so real. I feel more love there than any place on earth.
Except for home of course. But even so, there is nothing like the love you feel at church.
Sundays are my favorite day. They recharge me to take on the week ahead.
My friends there, inspire me and help me feel confident about myself.
Many of my friendships have been kind of shaky recently, but going to church and being around all these other kids who get it, and know what I'm going through is such a great blessing.
I feel so comfortable with them, and I wish that I could spend more time with them.
Ecspecially my best friend, who lives far away right now. I hate to sound so needy, but I really do need her sometimes, to tell me I am doing the right thing.
Man, I hope she calls me soon. I need to vent.

Anyways, I'm feeling good today. I just got home from church.
I am listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and I just had a slice of pudding pie.
Could life get any better?

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