Thursday, February 2, 2012

Long Time No Blog

Let's play some ketchup...I mean catch-up...

We had Senior Dinner Dance/Senior Emmy Night a couple weeks ago.
Here was my thought process by the end of the night...

-Wait, I paid $40 bucks for this?!
-I didn't win best hair, okay. So what's all this for anyways?
-Jay is the coolest waiter ever, well sort of.
-I'm glad hell is almost over. Opps, I mean high school.
-I never want to see a hoe's underwear for the rest of my life. Or lack of underwear I should say.
-These kids are freakin' classy. Um, yeah that was sarcasm.

Connect the dots people. This girl is so unbelievably done with high school it's ridiculous.
At least I looked cute is all I can say. Except for my black bra.
I guess I'm not so classy after all.

Right now, I am dying to vent about everything under the sun, but I am going to refrain. All it would do is make me look horrible and whiny. Also, I would probably lose all my friends. So time to suck it all back in and slap a grin on my face. I am hatin' these winter time blues.

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