Wednesday, February 22, 2012

French Fries

*Just a side note, the peace signs & duck faces are not authentic. Thy are fun to make fun of.

Any who, I suck at blogging. I wish I was better at it. My down time is rare and when it shows up I spend it sleeping and watching How I Met Your Mother reruns.
As you can see, I braved ice skating once more, and I didn't suck as much this time!
Man, do I hate ice skating. Okay maybe not hate; strongly dislike.
I should probably fill you in on the big things happening right now in Emma Land.

I finished personal progress. That's been a long time coming.
I bought a prom dress yesterday & I'm learning to like it.
I'm now going to church an hour away cause I'm part of the YSA
& probably the most important thing, I decided where I am going to college. 

Drum roll please ........

I have so much to say about this decision I hardly know where to start. Ever since I got accepted I had this strong feeling that that is where I need to be. Saturday night I found out that I didn't get into BYU in Utah. I wouldn't say I was crushed but I definitely felt pretty low. So many of my friends got in & now I just feel stupid. I am going to hear a lot of Aww Emma I'm so sorry. & that is probably the suckiest part.

But hey you know what?! This feeling means something, and not getting into BYU just made it more vivid. I know where I need to be now, even if it means feeling a little sucky for a while. I am so scared to go far away, to a school I've never seen, but it's all part of the experience right?! Plus I have some good friends who will be there with me, and the gospel never changes, no matter where you are! That's a big comfort!

& let's not forget, Idaho is land of the potatoes right? That must make for some great french fries ;)

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