Monday, August 20, 2012

A Couple of Things

I've learned a few things lately. Most are on weight loss so bear with it.

1. All of that basic stuff everyone tells you is true about losing weight/being healthy.
eat whats good for you, exercise regularly, get enough sleep.
It's all true.

2. Patience is a virtue. But seriously, it is. Everyone wants an easy solution to losing weight fast,
but in reality the only way to lose weight and keep it off, is to progress slowly.
We all wish there was a magic pill that could make the fat  just fall off,  but it just doesn't exist.

3. Loving yourself is the most important thing. Waiting and wishing for a guy to love you is absolute bull until you love yourself. To all the girls who believe a guy is going to come along and 'save' them, that is the wrong mindset. It's YOU that needs to save yourself. After that, you'll find a guy and he will respect you for how much you care about yourself.

4. Think about how far you've come, and all the possibilities that lay ahead. When I get discouraged about my weight loss, I just remember that I've come really far and I remind myself that I am strong enough to keep going.

5. Remember to document your life. I've been getting back into journalling & taking pictures which is really exciting for me. I forgot how much I love these things. It's so important to keep the creative juices flowing!

6. Be nice to people. I've been in the worst mood lately. I think it definitely has to do with all the stress I have. I leave for college in 2 weeks! My to-do list is a mile long and some days I can't get out of bed. It has definitely hit me hard and affected my mood. I feel terrible for my attitude. I'm working on changing it!

7. I feel like I can't stress enough how important it is to love yourself! I think that the only way I'm going to lose the rest of this weight is if I truly tell myself, 'Hey, you're worth it!' I've also got to stop beating myself up. I'm doing my best and I have to accept it.

Ugh, anyways I'm trying really hard right now to get everything done and ready for school.
There are some meltdowns & freak outs in my future, I know it!!

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