Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh Boy

So, it has come to my attention that I can now blog from my desk job.

You have been warned.

But, honestly can I just apologize real quick over yesterday's scatter-brained rant. I was all over the place. I'm not sorry that I let it all out like that though, because I really needed to. I've definitely missed this blog and yesterday sparked something. I really need to write more. So, I think that is just what I'm gonna do.

The only sucky thing about blogging from work is no pictures. Which is lame, because that is the funnest part. Yes, I know, funnest isn't a real word. Whatever. I seriously do need to update this blog with all my recent adventures soon though. It's been an eventful summer. First things first, I need to tell you a story. I have perfected it over the past few months and I think it's time I wrote it down. It's full of tears, embarrassment, and cops. Everything that makes a story great! Or in my case, not so great. Man, you are gonna love this. Here we go.

Sunday, May 7th: I'm wearing my new white dress I got for graduation. Seriously love it. Where am I? In the falcon, my favorite place, headed to my other favorite place, church. Yes, I know. Super nerd. I've got 3 friends kickin' it in the backseat and one beside me controlling the tunes. The very loud tunes might I add. And if you know anything about my car (the falcon, if you didn't pick up on that) it's that it is extremely small. Like if my hair's in a bun, I'm hitting the roof. So anyways, I can't really see behind me. Not well anyway, especially because all of my backseat passengers are tall tall. We are driving down the highway, having a lovely day when suddenly..

sirens. lights.

my heart jumps. my entire backseat is yelling at me to pullover and I the left. And if you know anything, you know that is really bad. You never ever pull over to the left....ever. I learned that the hard way. Truthfully, I did know that to begin with, but seriously. For someone who has never been pulled over before, it is extremely nerve-wrecking. So, there we are in the car. The cop, the state trooper, comes up to my window. I've already got my licence and registration, the whole nine yards. But oh boy, was it ugly. He yelled and yelled. Not for my speed, but for my dumdum mistake. Why was I so dumb? Ugh, the left. Anyways after he is through screaming, and he goes off to write up my ticket, I explode. The tears started and they literally did not stop all. day. Everyone is trying to make me feel better; cracking jokes, and all that. But, I was a mess. When he came back, he had not cooled down at all. I got another earful about picking up speed or else we would all die. At this point I am a blubbering idiot trying to apologize. I really did feel horrible. What I did was dangerous. I was just so anxious and scared. So, he leaves and I pick up speed and get OUT of the fast lane right away.

At this point I still have to drive to church, which is far. The whole time I am shaky and the tears would not stop. I really tried to get it together, really I did! So we get there and I spent the majority of time in the bathroom. After all, my face was splotchy red and I was in no ways presentable. I called my parents to clear my conscious. They were very understanding, which was a big relief. But I still felt horrible. After church, we were eating and my friend asks me if I was going to lose my licence. What? It couldn't just be one offense right? So I run to the bathroom (again) and give my friend a call. Her boyfriend just got his licence suspended and I asked for the details. Then I had to inform her of the incident and the waterworks started, again. I discovered it only takes one speeding offense to lose your licence in MA and I was beyond upset. Like absolutely numb.

You know what I forgot to mention? I was going the same speed as everyone else. They teach you to go with the flow of traffic. 72 in a 55. That's what the ticket says. But let me tell ya, this is a major highway. Traffic was going at least 75 mph. I feel cheated. A car full of teenagers with their music loud is automatically a threat to the roads. Not fair. I mean yes, I am glad that the state takes safety seriously, but honestly this is a bit too serious. The fact that I'm a good kid, who was just going to church means nothing to them. This next part will surprise you. When I finally make it home and I look up what this incident entails, here is what I find. Oh and you can bet another cycle of waterworks occurred.

90-day suspension
$500 fee, in addition to the ticket
2 attitude retraining courses, each an additional $75
take permit test again
take road test again

Unreal. Just unreal. When I think about all the drug dealers speeding by doing 90 mph while I was on the side of the road crying to a cop, I Oh, and also it is a total myth that if you cry a cop he will show mercy. Absolutely NOT true.

After learning my punishment I cried all night. No joke. My eyes were puffy the next day. It really messed with my make-up routine. Then I had to let people know my situation, which crushed me even more. I guess the moral of the story is, um, just obey the law. And always pay attention. You never know when a trooper is going to be trailing you. OH and always pull over to the break down lane. Even if you are in a frenzy. Because let's be honest, if I hadn't done that I wouldn't have gotten a ticket and I wouldn't be in this mess. This stupid mess.

It has been a frustrating few months. My suspension ends August 27th. I'm leaving Sept. 4th. The possibilities of squeezing in a permit and road test are slim. I have been chugging away at the classes though. Took the first one, and now I'm scheduled to take the 2nd on Saturday. Might I just say I seem like such a square. Everyone else in the class was hitting at least 100 while I don't even think my clunker has ever hit triple digits.

It's really hard not driving. It is probably my favorite thing to do and senior year was awesome because of it. I'm extremely independent so it is tough having to rely on my parents for rides again. I feel like I am going backwards. Am I really headed to college soon? It is just a really unfortunate situation but I have gotten some words of wisdom. I mean maybe I wasn't meant to drive this summer. Everything happens for a reason right? Also this is gonna be quite the lesson for my future kids let me tell ya.

Well, that's my story. So good right? If you see a gloomy girl kickin' it in the passenger seat of a minivan that's me. Looks like this post turned into a novel too. Hope this isn't a trend...

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