Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Rant

1. Eating my greens. Freshmen negative 15, hollah.
2. Accidentally taking a picture while chillin' between classes.
Ain't I purty? My head is huge.

Okay so, I'm really really homesick.
Like, I'm really missing MA.
This was probably expected, because I'm absolutely in love with New England. 
I thought going away would make me appriciate home more, and let me tell ya,
it has. 
I have been thinking all day that I want to go home.
I think I want to take a year off to make some dough, but I think I'll wait a couple years.
Also, I feel like I should transfer to BYU, because I have friends there.
But, I'm really unsure of that right now.
And then I wonder if maybe I should go to a MA state school because that would be cheap too.
Oh my goodness, I am just so conflicted.

I'm hoping that maybe I just feel this way because I'm not used to it,
but I'm just really not happy here.
I've made some friends, and the campus is beautiful, but i don't know. 
It's so different.
I know I need to give it a chance, and I will. I'm definitely sticking it out for the year.
I've just got to decide what to do.

I really don't know what's wrong with me.
I just feel like everyone is being fake nice and fake happy and forcing friendships.
I hate that! I like to naturally become friends.
Also, everyone is either married or an RM.
So I can't even befriend a guy because they're all expecting marriage.
I've already been asked if I was engaged. I moved my ring real quick. 
This is like living on Mars, seriously, where am I? 

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. 

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