Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My favorite breakfast.
Actually it's just my favorite treat. 
greek yogurt, peanut butter (obv.), blueberries, rasberries, flaxseeds & granola.
heaven in a bowl.

Today is 9/11, and I'm wicked homesick.
It's just a day that makes you think about the important stuff, and about the future.
So obviously I'm missing home & my family & my best friends. 
& I'm scared because my future is such a fog. 

At least I'm doing the college thing.
I had my first day of classes, &  right after I hit the books.
Hello studious emma. Whoa did I just say that?!
Now if only my ankle would heal up, I could work out & get hot. 
Those are the main goals, kick butt academically & get hot. 
No problem, I've got this. 

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