Monday, September 10, 2012

Hello September

Here are the weird things about Idaho:

everyone is married/engaged/preggo
they bring their babies to class
chapped lips all. the. time.
mormons love their hot chocolate
funny accents
there are hardly any trees
too many farm analogies
2 hours behind home
& of course i can't smell the ocean
.....i don't like that

Here are the cool things about Idaho:

the weather is b-e-a-Utiful, besides the dry air
I'm feelin' so spiritual, it's that kind of atmosphere
people are wicked nice
the boys are cute
i get to walk a lot, which i love
the frozen yogurt shop down the road is wayy cheaper than red mango & pinkberry, YES
im meeting people from all over
my classes dont suck 
being independent feels so good

I can't lie, I miss home. I miss my best friends. 
But, this actually doesn't suck. 
I could get used to it. 

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