Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Let Me Explain

Watch out, this post is going to be crazy long!

I ditched my blog when I started going downhill. I wanted to have a fresh start and forget my past meaning all this posts that I deemed pointless. But now, I realize that just reveal my journey. I am not the same person who wrote what I did, whether it was yesterday or months ago. I am constantly evolving and changing. 

That is why I feel it is time to come back to this blog that holds so many thoughts, interests and moments that I know I won't want to forget. Maybe some, yes, but it is all part of MY story. 

With that said, I would like to fill you in with what has been happening with my story. Let's just say 2013 cannot get over fast enough for me. I keep seeing posts about what a wonderful year it has been from others and I am so far along the other end of the spectrum. 

I was diagnosed with an eating disorder back in May, and I spent my summer in therapy. I moved out of my parents again in September to attend a state school which did not work out. I withdrew mid-October and was diagnosed with clinical depression. I moved back home and began antidepressants. I started off with Prozac and I have just recently weened myself off of that to try Zoloft because I have shown no improvement. It has been a long hard journey thus far.

I don't want to make this a sob story or anything like that because I believe that everything happens for a reason. I have learned a LOT about myself this year. It has been a year of growth for me. And although my confidence has fallen short lately, I definitely have more respect for myself and my needs. I realize the importance of standing alone and putting myself first. It has been difficult, but I have definitely made some choices this year that I am proud of. 

With that said, I am ready to get back to blogging. One of my resolutions this new year is to journal every single day. I do not know whether that will be in blog form or old school pen and paper, but I would really like to make that a priority. I think it is one of the cheapest forms of therapy and a serious mood booster. 

So get ready for a new year and lots of changes. 
I guess this post wasn't as long as I thought! 
Merry Christmas!!

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