Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1st

Um something miraculous has happened. I now have access to my blog from my phone. Sure I'm a little late to the party but whatever. This is an awesome way to start my New Years res to journal everyday. Is it weird that I instantly felt relief at the stroke of midnight last night? 2013 is gone and I'm not going to miss it. I spent my first 2014 moments with good friends in Boston harbor watching the fireworks light the sky. I felt magic. I felt ready for change and adventure. Today was spent with family, relaxing and enjoying each others company. My auntie came over with the babies (who I realize really aren't babies anymore) and did our hair. We ate, we played, we laughed, and the day flew by. As I walked the dogs tonight I looked up at the stars; feeling the universe residing in me. I felt my power. The cold was brisk against my face. It made me feel numb yet alive. I feel perfectly at peace and I welcome this new year and all it brings. I know there will be hardships, but I will grow from them. This world offers me so much. I'm ready to dive in and see what it has to offer. A great start I'd say, but now it is time for some beauty rest! It was a late night last night! 🎉🎉🎉

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