Saturday, July 31, 2010


I can hardly find the words to describe what an amazing week I had at EFY. I feel like a totally changed person. I am to tired to write out everything that went on, but all I can say is, I know that my church is true. I strongly believe in it, and after all I've felt this week, I could never deny it. I'll write more about it later, but for now, I am just so tired.

This video was shown to us at the Young Women Activity and it made me really want to get up in the morning and love myself, just like this little girl. That is one of the things I plan to work on. Because I want to love all my hairs and my whole house!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


So, I just finished reading The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, and I L-O-V-E-D it. It was not one of the original books on my "Summer Reads" List, but I have been adding on books as I go. I only finished about 10, which is hardly any. This might end up being my "2010 Book List."

Anyways, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood was an amazing book and I highly recommend it. I loved the friendship aspect of it, and I love the time period it takes place in! (1930's-present day.) It made me really want a sisterhood.

Now I am reading, Eat, Pray, Love which is also turning into a great summer read. I originally had a lot of classics in my mind when deciding what I would read this summer, but summer just makes me lazy. I feel like reading a lot of beach books, and I'm really ok with that. The classics can wait! I'm enjoying my summer before I have to make my brain function properly again. I don't even wanna think about that!

Well I've got a big day ahead of me so I better get some shut eye!
goodnight moon!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lovely Quote

“The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.”

Margaret Nadauld

1 day home

I just got back from a vacation in Maine! And to tell you the truth I'm kind of exhausted. I have one day home, then straight to EFY. it will be nice to get away for the week.

EFY is a program for the youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. EFY (Ecspecially For Youth) is one of my favorite parts of the summer. I get to go to this college and met tons of new people, take a bunch of great classes, go to dances, and afterwards I feel spiritually refreshed. I can hardly wait!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

British Accents

British Accents make me go weak at the knees!

The Lake

Off to the lake for the week!


I feel like jumping out of my skin. Don't you ever just feel stuck and like you're not going anywhere in life. I'm just feeling restless. It's hard to explain.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Random Thoughts

I just had a few random thoughts that have been on my mind recently. I thought I'd share them with you...

I want to try everything worth trying, at least once. Everything in the world, I want to try it all.

I love to swim. It makes me feel weightless.

I like to get places fast. When people walk slow and dilly dally, it drives me nuts.

I just watched "The Long, Long Trailer" with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. It makes me want to buy a trailer and travel America in a couple years. I seriously love that movie. And those two stars.

I hate it when my cat is rolling around, begging me to pet him when I'm on the computer. He is doing it right now. I love him anyway though.

I feel stuck. Where am I going with my life? I just want to go some place new and start completely fresh. Two more years until I can do that. I'll just try to enjoy the time I have left.

Sometimes I don't realize how different I am. But lately it's become more and more obvious. I sometimes that a good or a bad thing?

I love having friends who influence me in such big ways, good ways. Even if they don't realize how their attitudes affect me.

I like to eat and not feel guilty. But it sure is hard.

Just finished, "The Secret Life of Bees." Really good book!

Is it better to be lonely, or fit in? I've always picked lonely. But sometimes it really sucks.

I think a lot. But I don't know if that's entirely healthy.

Time is going by quick. Am I living my best life? I don't even know.

I am excited about the future, but honestly, I am terrified. We'll see what happens.

I always get excited about te next season. Like in the spring, I was excited about summer. But now that it's summer, I'm excited about fall. Weird, right?

I miss my best friends.

I have so many thoughts always buzzing around in my head. I just need to vent a little. On another note, I am prettyy excited about nexty week! I am spending the whole week in Maine with the family! It is going to be marvolous! I'm also happy I get to hang out with my Nana tomorrow and spend sometime the rest of the week with friends. Summer is doing wonders for me!


Why do I love the color red so much? I can give you 5 reasons....

Red lips


This, just this

Red nails...oh, and red M&M's are pretty grand


& Roses

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Ok, so I love to read. Maybe that's nerdy but I don't care. This weekend I went to a book fair TWICE and got some major books. Like 20 at least. I just love adding to my collection. I ecspecially like getting the classics. The language is so beautiful and sincere. It makes me sad that less and less people are reading books these days, ecspecially the really good ones. I'm still working on reading all the books I put on my "Summer Reads" list. I have a longg way to go. But I'm enjoying the ride. So far I've been to Wonderland, New York, Africa, London, and Heaven. Reading, it's simply magical.


Thursday, July 8, 2010


This picture made me think of the lake house, which is where I am going for the weekend! Call me, beep me, if ya wanna reach me, mis amigos. Later gators.

Me Too

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Creative Itch

I am having a serious creative itch! I really need to do something about it! Maybe tomorrow after work, and after I clean, I can play with some paint. Or some pen & paper. Whatever works!


My weekend was pretty amazing I must say. On Thursday I got to see some great friends and have some great conversations. Also a fun little photoshoot was thrown into the mix. It was nice to spend some time with them, no matter how short an afternoon it was! Ecspecially since one of them is jetting off to Utah for 5 whole weeks! Actually, she's already there. I miss her already!

Then I spent time with my longtime friend, Ora! We tried snowballs for the first time, listened to girly music, had a gorgeous photoshoot, saw Toy Story 3 and gossiped (something we are really good at, even if we shouldn't be!) She kept making fun of me for crying during the movie, but honestly, how could you not? It was very sentimental, and I am an emotional gal.

The Fourth was a good time too! I went with the fam down to the waterfront to see the fireworks and we relaxed and had a great time! The only problem was these extremely annoying kids sitting behind us screaming and being completely obnoxious! Then these guys standing in front of us, blocking out the fireworks! Ugh, it was driving me nuts! All in all, we had fun though. We went to Sam Diegos' for dinner, even though we had already eaten. It was like 10:00 and I'm not usually hungry, so instead I downed 2 diet cokes. The walk back to the car was long and scary, what with all the drunks all over the place, but we survived. Not the best Fourth of July, but pretty good.

Today I got to babysit my adorable cousins for, 9 hours! And all I can say is I am not ready to be a mom anytime soon (my parents are relieved to hear this.) It is completely exhausting chasing after little ones! I had a good time though! I had an excellent excuse to play with my old barbies and watch The Little Mermaid and Cinderella. Oh, and not to mention Seseame Street! Landon could NOT stop crying the whole time though! Major headache right now. But I managed to calm him down for a bit. We took a peaceful walk and sat outside for a while. Babies really are incredible.

Anyways, after such an eventful weekend now I'm pooped. Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral (sadness) then work for the next 3 days. Luckily, I'll be heading up to Maine on Thursday with Dad just in time for the library book sale! I know, NERD ALERT! hahaha

me gusta

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010