Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Just Want to Sing

Guys, this is my best friend Tyler. He's the sweetest kid I know. Also he is my prom date! 1 week! I am kind of excited now that I've got the dress, shoes, ticket, date, hair app., & make-up all squared away. Gosh, prom is exhausting! And I haven't even had it yet!

Spring is almost here! Well technically it is here, but the weather sure isn't showing it. But my spring fever has already started, and I'm going with it.

Spring has to be my favorite time of the year. It is such a nice time before the heat and mosquitos set in. I adore this weather.

I love the flowers and birds that arrive. They are so encouraging.

I love soaking up the sun and taking long walks.

I love the feeling of wanting to sing and dance. It's such a lovely feeling to have.

I love spring. I cannot wait until I can open my windows and blast the Beatles! (I've actually already got a head start on that. I know it's cold but I just couldn't wait!)

Don't let spring pass you by, it only lasts a short while, so enjoy it while you can!

I know I will!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Light my Candle

Charlotte and I had a photoshoot this past weekend and here are some of the pictures. I am so lucky to have a friend who doesn't mind having pictures taken of her! I get to practice my photography, and she gets to practice her modeling.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Well, today I had myself a little melt down.

Ok, not so little.

I'm just going crazy and I feel so overwhelmed and I don't know where I'm going or who I am. It's just been one of those days. Few days actually. At some point I just snapped. I'm usually ok at holding it all in and keeping calm, but I burst! Sometimes I can only stretch so far before I break.

The good news is that I took the SATs, and I think I did ok.
I also got to spend time with some friends last night which was nice.

But seriously, I have to shake this bad mood. Because it's starting to really ruin my life. I've got some big things to decide, and do and I am determined to have a positive attitude about it all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside of us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any other experience that reveals the human spirit."


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

As of Now

SO, here's what has been happening recently.
  • I washed my phone. So I have an excuse to get a new one. Yay!
  • I got my Diana camera & fisheye lens in the mail today! asdfghjkl SO EXCITED!
  • I have an official prom date (my best friend Tyler) and everyone, and I mean everyone, in my grade has prom fever. It kind of obnoxious/exciting all at once.
  • I am taking SATS on Saturday, and I am extremely nervous. Extremely.
  • I feel so lame and boring all the time. I have nothing interesting to say, ever. Yay for being the lamest of the lame.
  • I hate spending money, yet this month has been the worst money pit I've experienced in my career. Junior year stuff is very expensive.
  • I have never wanted Junior Year to be over more than I do right now.

And that is my up to date/ oh so boring life.

Long live the Queen of the Lame.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


One of my absolute best friends was baptised this past Friday! It was a very small baptism, but it was beautiful. I felt such a strong spirit there, and I just know she'll do great things! She one of the sweetest, coolest people I've ever known and I love having her in my life. Love you Hallie!
Oh, and just in case you're curious about what we believe, click here:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Prom Dress

Meet my prom dress, Red.
She's pretty cute, no?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy March!

Hello there! Happy 2nd day of March!
I would have said happy march 1st, but I was sicky yesterday :(

So I just got back home after spending 3 hours on the dentist. Yuck.
Why do dentists insist on talking to you while they clean your teeth?

I heard something interesting that actually makes a lot of sense.
Did you know sleeping on your tummy means you worry to much?
Oh, and guess who sleeps on her tummy?
Yeah, this guy.
Explains a lot I suppose.

SO, it is the start of a new month and so far this month, I've eaten too much junk food and have not done anything productive. This is not good.
But, my plan is to get a healthy start and get in shape! Spring is soon! Prom is too, blah.

March always make me want to eat healthier and exercise. March is the month mum hates the most, but I actually quite like it. (I hate January most, eh its just the worst.)

Alright, so here's to a new, lovely month!

p.s. Isn't Fritzburg the cutest dog around?