Monday, July 11, 2011

Work Sucks, I Know

Would you like to know how I spent my day @ work? I signed up for reward cards and such for Ulta, Borders, DSW, and Sephora. Oh, yes it was very productive. I ended up buying 3 books from Borders and some make-up from Sephora. But, I haven't been totally irresponsible. I had a gift card!!

This week consists of work work work and more work. Today I was I played the receptionist role for 8 1/2 hours. Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday are all Hallmark days. But two different Hallmarks! I start the working at the other store tomorrow, I'm at my regular one Wednesday and the new one Thursday. Okay, now before I bore you to tears, I'm going to talk about more exciting aspects of my life.


Oh hey! Harry Potter comes out on Thursday, and you know I'm going to the midnight premiere. I mean seriously, who isn't?? Friday morning I get to go to Maine for the weekend which is going to be a dream. Maine is my absolute FAVORITE place. Even if my brothers are bringing their annoying friends. I shall keep calm and vacation on.

Oh my gosh, and guys! I am taking my road test next TUESDAY! Gah, I really hope I get my license! Well, I am sorry my life is extremely boring but now at least you're all caught up. Alright I need to get some food in me before I collapse from hunger. Lataaa Gattta!

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