Wednesday, February 27, 2013

okay okay okay
weird overwhelming day

im stressed over too much
so i didnt do anything

but listen, i need to learn to take a break
i cant be hard on myself. 

im really learning how much health is a personal relationship.
my body and me, my mind and me, my spirit and me.
i feed my body whole nourishing foods (although ive had a little too much sugar & fat lately)
i move everyday, although i need to do a little bit more
& i spiritually nourish and have started meditating, which is amazing
yoga has been helping me connect to all 3 a LOT

okay so here it is, i am improving.
i really truly am. although im maintaining the weight i am at now, 
i know that i can lose those last pesky 20 pounds.
ill ramp up the exercise when i can.
right now i mentally cannot handle it. 
but summer is coming.
as for now though, i am truly learning how to take care of myself.
my food, my fitness, my soul.
im learning balance.

and its okay. it okay. its okay.
i have time. im not going backwards.
im always going forward.
im an adult now. this is my life.
i get to choose my lifestyle. and its awesome. 
i love fitness and improvement.
i just need to remind myself that it is personal.
i NEED to stop comparing myself.
i do it every single second of every day.
i need to stay passionate and fill my time with other things other than overthinking.
i think about food and fitness way to much until i feel terrible.
it consumes me. 

this is not how it is supposed to be.
its supposed to be about happiness. about self-acceptance. about self-love.
im doing the things i do because i love myself.
ill never have a successful life or relationship if i stay insecure.

im getting better. im getting stronger. 
im a hard working woman who is seeking a beautiful life.
the best life. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

rice cake with peanut butter, sea salt, cinnamon & apple slices.
Died and gone to heaven.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Scattered Thoughts

I need to blog right now.
Because things are fresh in my mind.

First off, it has been a great relaxing weekend in SLC.
But I've really got to get my lazy butt up & sweat it out.

"Sweat daily, indulge often."
I love this quote.

The other thing is I want to run! I've got running a marathon in mind,
but it is going to take a long time to train my body.
It is a goal for me though. And I want to make sure I am using my built up energy and working my body.

We were walking around SLC the other day, & there was a Whole Foods!
I am one of those foodie nerds who goes into the grocery store just to browse and not buy anything.
Also I am a poor college student who purposely didn't bring her wallet.
Thought I'd avoid the temptation ;) 

Anywho, while I was in there looking around, wearing my yoga leggings and new sneaks;
I felt totally and completely inspired. Don't ask me why, cause I have no clue.
But all of a sudden, I saw my future.
I could just picture myself. On a Saturday morning, fresh from a workout, shopping at Whole Foods.
A jug of water in my hand. It just felt so awesome.
I want to make sure I get back into my sweaty workout routine.
I know that once I go back home, I'll be ready to work it.
I might join my BFF's gym, and get a change of scenery which I desperately need.
Also, they have free fitness classes! In addition, I am ready to run the bogs & track at home.
Food is not so much an issue, now I am just focusing hard core on willpower & selfcontrol.
Overeating is a habit I desperately want to break ASAP.

Anyways, when I get back home, things will be great.
But for now, I've really got to pump myself up and hit the gym/track. 
It is so hard to stay motivated in the cold Idaho temperatures & the stressful workload of my classes.
But, my body will totally thank me if I find the time for sweaty work & strength training. 
 I've really got to balance my life.

I feel so out of whack and beyond lazy.
It's almost like I am walking through life half-awake.
So, I am making a goal to find balance this week.
I am driving the 4 hours back to Rexburg tonight, & I am going to start tomorrow off on the right foot.
Of course I am going to go easy on myself tomorrow,
I'll be tired & it is my busiest day. BUT I am still going to make this week great.

When you think about it, I only truly have 2 more months here.
Mostly just the long month of March. I think March needs to be a hard working month.
I am totally going to do it! I am going to get stronger, faster & healthier.
Most importantly, I will find balance. 

Here we go Em, let's make these next 2 months count!

Friday, February 15, 2013

“That’s what running does to lives. It’s not just exercise. It’s not just achievement. It’s a daily discipline that has nothing to do with speed, weight, social status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, where you live, what car you drive, or whether anyone anywhere loves you. It’s about the slow and painful process of being the best you can be.”

- Martin Dugard

I know this sounds crazy, but I am actually going to have some updated pictures after this weekend.
Like whaaaaaat?

But right now I am in Salt Lake City having an awesome long weekend! 
I just had lunch at a delicious Middle-Eastern resturant called Mazza, highly reccomended.
& I'm mostly doing homework, relaxing, & sort of just getting my act together.

2 months left out here! Isn't that crazy?!
I better get my butt in gear and amp of the exercise!
Especially since I've been eating like a monster lately. 
But to be honest, I am just trying to survive. 

Pictures to come. Still hard to believe I know. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Holy YUM

I made cous cous with mixed veggies (mushrooms, peppers, & kale)
& I topped it with a heap of cilantro. 

Sort of weird, but it definitely hit the spot!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Observation: If you don't have your veggies regularly you will have a sugar rush--eat bad and too much and then feel like a piece of poop. 

I just want to apologize to my faithful veggies that I have been neglecting. I've learned my lesson babies! 

Also I've learned that depriving myself is no good and I just need to give into cravings. But not get crazy!
Most importantly, I can't beat myself up. I am learning. I am growing. I am making progress. 
I just need to throw myself into fitness as much as I can here, then get home and get my beast mode on. Woo!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Salt Lake City checklist:

red mango
run in the morning
organic grocery store
U of U?
AmF book & paper

Day Trips for when I am Home: Salem, MA
Newport, RI

Saturday, February 9, 2013


So I make lists..a lot. 
I need a way to keep track of all my random thoughts!
Because trust me, I have many. 

homemade pesto
homemade peanut butter

When I Get Home:
practice recipes
start running outside
gym often
less time in room..more with family
hike with dogs
learn guitar from dad
paint more
swim often
start insanity (make a set schedule)
read often
start a new blog
practice yoga 
spiritual nourish

Yoga Poses to Remember:
sunflower pose
pigeon pose
dolphin pose
warrior series
calf stretches
camel pose
chair pose
neck rolls
hands-on-knees shoulder stretch 

Friday, February 8, 2013

"To transform scarcity we need to 'Dare Greatly,' we need to cultivate worthiness, a clear sense of purpose, and we need to re-engage."

Finally got around to watching this.
I mean why watch the superbowl when the Pats didn't play?
But no, I was actually busy & doing homework. 
Nothing new. 

Anyways can we just talk about how friggin amazing Beyonce is?
That's really all I wanted to say.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

All I want for valentine's day is Trader Joe's dark chocolate-covered peanut butter cups,
red mango, & a valentine to cuddle. 
Too much to ask?