Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Almost July? What?

The summer is flying by, and I really don't want it too! I am honestly a mess without a schedule though. I sleep, eat, watch TV, and swim. Sounds great right? It was, at first. But I really want to do something productive. It just seems like I run out of time. Even though I have loads of time! I know, I'm totally crazy.

Do you want to know something I am NOT looking forward to? In less than an hour, 20 sugar high eleven year olds will be running around my backyard, screaming, and jumping in my pool. Oh joy. It my little brother's birthday party, and my mom needs me to hang around and help her. Oh, man is it gonna be a blast.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


My trip to Florida was amazing! I had the best time! I am to lazy to upload a bunch of pictures here, but trust me, I took A LOT. I took around 600 pictures on my new camera, and about 200 on mum's camera. I LOVEE my new camera, that's all I can say (: It was such a fun time. Except for the heat. Oh man, the heat. I don't know how those Florida people survive!!!


Just a little bit of cuteness for ya.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Camera Photo!

I loveee my new camera!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Love the Person I Am Becoming

Tomorrow's my birthday! Sweet 16! I can tell this year is going to be unforgettable and the best year yet! I am going to Florida tomorrow with my mom and all my friends and I am utterly, & completely excited! I cannot believe how much I've grown over the past year, and I can't wait to see how much more I will grow. I love the person I am becoming.

I figured it was time for a change. So I beautified the blog. Hope you like it!
Sometimes the only thing people see is what you did, when in fact they should be looking at why you did it.

Monday, June 21, 2010



Summer is finally here and I am loving every minute of it! I feel so relaxed and excited about life! I also feel so creative and free! It is a wonderful feeling!

My birthday is in 2 days :) and I already got so many presents! I've gotten a bracelet from my friend, she is such a rockstar, I got a bag from my mom, and my big present was a camera! A really nice one! It's a Sony! I was going to get a Nikon, but when I tried it out at the store, I didn't get any good vibes out of it. The Sony I fell for though. I can predict a Nikon in my future someday, but for now I'm good with my baby :)

I'm also going to Florida in 2 days! On my birthday! I am going to Universal to the new Harry Potter Theme Park. Guess who is ecstatically excited? This nerd right here. I love HP. It's gonna be the funnest time.

Today was so perfect. I deep cleaned my room, listen to music, watched movies, went swimming, and played with my new camera. Now I'm off to pack and sing! I love being happy! :)

I love her so much.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day to the best Dad in the world! I love my Rockstar Daddy-o!
This was how I spent my weekend....

I spent time with dear, old Dad....

I watched this amazing movie for the first time....

I got my birthday camera! It's a Sony instead of a Nikon........

I went to a beautiful bridal shower....

& I went to my friend's sweet 16 birthday party!

How was your weekend?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Definetly just took a "Which Big Bang Theory Character Are You?" Quiz. I'm Sheldon. Life is complete. I think it was the Spock question that did it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm getting my hair done today! Should I go pink, like Frenchie?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I am in such a lazy mood today. I did manage to clean my room, and I should probably start studying. I am so done with studying though. Give me my summer!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I hid under your porch because I love you.

It's like America, but south.

I do not like the cone of shame.

Hi there.

I love UP. Pixar has never failed to make a movie I didn't love.

Monday, June 14, 2010

When I'm older, I want to get an old fashioned RV and travel America. I want to see anything and everything. I think it is gonna be a stellar time.

I had such a lovely weekend! & This is the last week of school! Finals start tomorrow though, which sucks. Plus I have my worst finals first. Just my luck. But this is the home stretch! Just 4 more days of torture, then its SUMMER! Plus next week's my birthday and trip to Florida! Kinda sorta freakin' out!! :D

I decided I'm going back to my super strict diet after Florida! I am so fat and I can't just eat "healthier" I need strict rules. Plus I was so happy when I used to be on the diet! I was losing weight and feeling good. So I am definitely going back to that feeling very soon!

I love log cabins on a lake.

I love talking in a British accent.

I love seeing people I haven't seen in a while.

I love nice people.

And I love the fact that this time next week, it'll be summer! :D

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
“ But why’s she got to go to the library?”
“Because that’s what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library. ”

Is it crazy that I am excited for Harry Potter 7 to come out, and I still have to wait like 6 months? I have an unhealthy obsession.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"I mean how do you know what you're going to do till you do it? The answer is, you don't. I think I am, but how do I know? ~ Holden Caulfield

The Catcher in the Rye is a new favorite of mine.

I am excited about life. I really am. I just wish it would start already, cause I'm getting bored with the same old, same old.

I've decided to write more. Like in my journal. I've been neglecting the poor thing since Febuary, and I'm feeling a little guilty. Besides, I love to write. It's delicious. Eh, that's the wrong adjective, but writing is satisfying, which is kinda like being delicious. But not really. Nevermind.

Today is my little brother's birthday! He's 11! He is almost a teenager, weird. I hope he doesn't lose sight of who he is, cause he's a pretty good kid.

I am getting a nikon for my birthday. And if I don't, I'll probably die.

I hate Mitch Albom. He is not the greatest writer.

I love The Weepies. New favorite music, check 'em out.

I really just want to stay home tomorrow and sleep, but it isn't gonna happen. Blah, only 7 more days.

I watched TV and movies all afternoon, cause I'm extremely lazy. I kind of have an obsession with glee, but that is basically like the only show I like. Besides Big Bang Theory. Aw man, that is a great show.

Alright I am a dork, and I am very tired. So I should just stop writing this right now.

P.S. I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy 20th anniversary Mom & Dad!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yesterday, June 4th 2010, was my Nana & Papa's 50th wedding anniversary. They were married June 4th, 1960, but have been together since they were 16. They are my inspiration, and their relationship gives me hope that true love is real. I love them both with all my heart, and I wish them many more years to come!

Last summer I wrote a poem about my grandparents. I have been to embarrassed to give it to them though. Here it is.

Love is a Pink House

twinkling lights, starry sky, sweet melody
the night they met changed destiny.

souls alike, sparks flew, 16 years old.
who knew that together they would grow old.

she was beautiful, he was kind.
there love became one hard to find.

miles apart, but not in heart,
it was a lovely way to start.

in her yearbook it was seen
that her favorite thing to do was be with Dean.

the day came that they were wed.
the beauty of it all could not be said.

for it was such a joyous day
that words cannot be put in a way
to describe such a happy day.

the blushing bride, could not hide
the love she felt inside.

and he too, felt so strong
that what he was doing, could never be wrong.

their family grew as time went on
ending with four children, three daughters, one son.

raising their family had it's ups and downs
but for the most part, they could never frown.

they had always had each other
and were there for one another.

when she was sad, he held her as she cried.
they could never hid their love, even if they tried.

make-up, jewelery, hearts, butterflies...she was such a girl.
she would dress up in big dresses, and he'd watch her twirl.

if there was any doubt that he loved her so much
he painted their house, as the final touch.

and when she got sick, he took care
because he wanted to always have her there.

one of his kidneys he gave,
because it was the only way she could be saved.

her health improved, now she can watch her grandchildren grow
alongside her love. Her affection she will always show.

I know then as nana & papa, my mom knows them as mom & dad
it is my inspiration to have a past like they had.

they met at 16, & fell in love
and forever will be, even up above.

Friday, June 4, 2010

When I was supposed to be doing homework the other day, I decided to make a list of all the books I want to read this summer. Here it is.


The Lovely Bones- Alice Sebold
Dear John- Nicholas Sparks
Angels & Demons- Dan Brown
Into the Wild- Jon Krakauer
The Pilot's Wife- Anita Shreve
My Life in France- Julia Child
The Other Boleyn Girl- Philippa Gregory
The Secret Life of Bees- Sue Monk Kidd
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest- Ken Kesey
The Sun Also Rises- Ernest Hemingway
The Last Song- Nicholas Sparks
On the Road- Jack Kerouac
A Clockwork Orange- Anthony Burgess
Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
Go Ask Alice- Anonymous
A Study in Scarlett- Arthur Conan Doyle
The Scarlett Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Wind in the Willows- Kenneth Grahame
The Phantom of the Opera- Gaston Leroux
The Hunchback of Notre Dame- Victor Hugo
Cyrano de Bergerac- Edmond Rostand
Vantity Fair- William Makepeace Thackeray
The Story of my Life- Helen Keller
Treasure Island- Robert Louis Stevenson
The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini
A Thousand Splendid Suns- Khaled Hosseini
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain- Mark Twain
Sense & Sensibilty- Jane Austen
Mansfield Park- Jane Austen
Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
Girl with a Pearl Earring- Tracy Chvalier
The Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger
Alice in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking Glass- Lewis Carroll
The 5 People You Meet in Heaven- Mitch Albom
The Joy Luck Club- Amy Tan

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My hair's a mess, I feel fat, I have bags under my eyes, & I hate humidity. Oh, mr. summer please come soon!

p.s. I like Catcher in the Rye so far.
p.p.s. I started my diet today, & I'm not giving up. I am way to fat.
p.p.p.s. 11 more days. mmmmmmmmhhhhmmmm.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So last night I woke up to a crazy thunderstorm. I thought I heard someone open my door and I got that horrible feeling that someone was in my room. I was half asleep and completely scared to move, seeing as how some murderer was standing there. Also I didn't quite understand why there were flashing lights outside my window, and I was all confused. I quickly turned on my light, ready to defend myself, but surprisingly no one was in my room. Then I thought I heard voices in the living room so I got up to check it out. No one was there. So I peed and went back to bed. Don't you just love that weird early morning confusion?

So the point is now I am really tired from waking up at 3:00 in the morning.