Sunday, February 27, 2011

Everything is Beautiful

I spent the day yesterday in Boston with my lovely friend Janessa. Who I love oh so much. We walked through the North End catching up on our crazy Junior Year lives, then we made it to Faneuil Hall. She got Chinese, I got Seafood and the catching up continued. I loved every minute of it.
We went to Urban Outfitters (love) and found lots of goodies that entertained us for at least an hour. We saw a Peruvian group perform, and visited the Christmas in Boston store & the Croc Store, just for fun.
I got some gelato, she had a cookie. We entered a flower shop and exited with a Venus flytrap, puzzling over what to name the little thing.
We relaxed at McDonald's and played the game where you make up life stories about the people around you. It was interesting. It was getting dark and we were walking by the vegetable market that was closing.
We saw some guy in a debacle with an Asian woman and then proceed to throw here cart of green beans and bananas in the crosswalk. Then smash it to death. I truly wish I knew what was happening.
That night we heard an Elder speak which was lovely and spiritual. And crowded. I don't know how I managed to get out of there. It was still a wonderful time.
On the way home I crashed for lack of sleep (chocolate party) and finally FINALLY went to bed.

Successful weekend.

Chocolate Movie Parties are absolutely a great idea. Eating junk, staying up all night, playing just dance 2, watching silly movies, and most of all gossiping are honestly good for your health.

Friday, February 25, 2011


BLAH. Done with that lame survey.

So tonight all my ladies are coming over so we can have a chocolate movie party. Too school for cool.

I made delicious choco. pb bars. They're delicious.

I am so excited and all out of things to say.
Too much blogging for one day.

Day 30

I miss my destiny's daughters. & my tangible men.

Day 29

Landon always makes me smile.

Day 28

I am so scared of snakes.

Day 27

Day 26

My most treasured item is photographs.
Ecspecially ones of my great grandmother Alice.
I love seeing how things have been and I love knowing her through these pictures. I can't wait to meet her someday.

Day 25

excuse my zits please.

Today is the first day this week that I'm not working! Yay!

I walked the dog in the pouring rain.
I showered.
I tried on my prom dress again.
I made eggs & toast.
I watched Scooby Doo.
I made chocolate peanut butter bars.
I cleaned the kitchen.
I played Yahtzee w/ Dad.
I went on the computer.
I plan to clean my room & basement.
I plan to have friends over tonight.
I plan to eat too much chocolate.
I plan on watching silly girl movies.
I plan on play Just Dance.
I plan on having a sleepless night.

That's basically my day today! :)

Day 24

I wish I could change this.

Day 23


So, I am a complete book nerd. I just read and read and read.

I love nonsense books.
The Aventures of Alice in Wonderland
Catcher in the Rye
Ernest Hemingway's Stuff

I love the classics.
Jane Austen
Charles Dickens
Edgard Allen Poe
Bronte Sisters

And I love books that take me places & make me cry.
Anne of Green Gables
Harry Potter Series
Ya Ya Sisterhood

Plus, I love the classic children's.
Dr. Suess
Where the Wild Things Are
Curious George
Eloise at the Plaza
Goodnight Moon

(I can't wait to have kids and read to them every night!)

The list could just go on and on!

Day 22

I wish I was better at piano.

P.S. I am getting really tired of this survey, so I might just finish all the days up right now. Gah, so boring.

Day 21

I wish I could forget what a little booger I used to be.

I am a completely different person now.
I used to be mean, and dressed gross.
I was such a brat. Thank goodness those days are behind me.

Day 20

I really really want to go to Greece. Really.

Day 19

I suppose a phrase I live by is

"I like to look at the big picture."

I just believe that there is so much more to life than the small little mistakes we make, or fights we have, or embarrassing moments. If you just look past that and see that there is a bigger picture here, there would be no need to fret about the little things.

It just like a painting. If you look closely you see little marks and prints that don't really mean much. But then you step back and look at the real purpose of the picture suddenly you understand.

I like to live my life like that. Before I do something, I think how it affects my big picture. When I make important decisions I think it through. I try not to worry about the little things and I try to make everyday a good one. Why not right?

Day 18

I know it's typical, but my biggest insecurity is my weight.

It just is. I've always had issues with it, and it just one of those things that I hate to think about. A lot of times I find beauty in myself and love who I am, but I have my bad days. Everytime I eat, it's always in the back of my mind and I hate that. Why can't people just eat and play and live without worrying about stupid stuff.

But yes, that is my biggest insecurity. So lame.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

This Week

The week before vacation is always tough, but this past week really sucked. I am sick and yucky, and it makes me get in a bad mood. But now that it is vacation, hopefully I can rest up and get good and happy again.

So my plans for winter break are as follows:


Every day this week, I am going to be secretary at my mum's work from 8:30am-5pm. But that's ok because I'm going to be making bank. Also, while I'm sitting at that desk for 8 hours a day, I will be studying for SATs and Academic Decathelon. Aren't I just the coolest?

I'm trying to set plans up for the evenings, and as of right now it's shaping up to be a good week.

I just hope I can kick this cold!

Friday, February 18, 2011

S & G

Mum's Birthday

Yesterday was mum's b-day. She's 38..again.
My momma is the bestest momma in the world!
And I love her more than anything ever!
Loveee you mum. Happy Birthday!!

Day 17

I'd say this is making a big impact on my life right now.
I am seriously becoming the test-taking master.
Watch out.

Day 16

I get inspired by old pictures. These are some of my great grandmother, Alice.
I also love different vintagy-photography blogs. I am inspired by nature, music, loving acts of kindness, and just all the beauty around me. Life is good.

Day 15

Before I die I want to go to Italy.

and Greece, Britian, France, Germany, Peru, Viatnam, Spain, Russia, every state in the USA, and millions of other places.

I've got big travel plans.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I did not have a valentine to spend the day with yesterday. But I can't get down because of it! I have a great life and lots of love. I'm getting sick of everyone feeling sorry for themselves just because they don't have a boyfriend. I know I've got time.

Alright, the truth is though that I was one of those complaining people yesterday. Plus, working in a card store that thrives on valentines wasn't a picnic. It was just the cherry on top to a rotton valentine's day. I basically spent the whole day daydreaming about my perfect guy. He never lets me down.

Ok I'm done feeling sorry for myself.

Oh, but you know what the great thing about valentine's day is?

candy hearts :)
& chocolate!

Day 14

These lovely ladies are some of my favorite people.
Maddie and Janessa. I met them at efy.

At efy, you basically meet these people, hang out for a week and they become the most meaningful people in your life. You share secrets, and stories. Hopes and dreams. I let myself be completely vulnerable and open my heart during this week. My efy friends fill it with love and make me feel more loved than I can imagine right now.
I miss them dearly.

Both of these girls are truely amazing people, and are trying as hard as I am to do the right thing. I think of them whenever I need to feel like I'm not alone. There's something about church friends that makes you feel so close.

Oh, I love them so much! I don't know what life would be like if I had never met them!

Day 13

My favorite musical group is The Beatles.
They always make me happy and never get old.
Of course I am a music freak, so it is rather difficult to choose just one favorite. I enjoy so many other genres, and artists it would be nearly impossible to type them all out!
The Beatles never fail though, and I will love them forever.

Day 12

Something I love.

I love taking pictures. I love photography.
I have a creative edge, that I'm am working on improving.
I think capturing a moment is just so beautiful, and having the chance to keep it forever is incredible. This time we live in is magical.

Day 11

Alright, so here's the thing. I don't hate anything. Hate isn't really in my vocabulary. I find good in almost anything. Can't help it.

I suppose I hate how cruel the world can be. But for the most part, it's a lovely world.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 10

With these lovely ladies I'm always doing crazy things!
We have so many adventures!
I suppose I do crazy things with all my friends, but I think with these girls ecspecially. The night this picture was taken we went and played lazertag.
We've also gone to pump n' jump which is a cool place filled with moonwalks! We are also planning on going to a building in Boston with a bunch of trampolines. Most teenagers just hang out at the mall, but we're cooler than that ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 9

My mom has gotten me through the most.
Mostly through her example as a mother and a hard working woman.
She never stops!
She has a full time job, she has us kids to drive around, she volunteers at various places, she is a cub scout leader, she teaches 3 year olds at sunday school, and does SO many other things. She never sits down I swear.
She is truely the coolest mom I could ever wish for. She is very relaxed and easy to talk to.
My friends always tell me about the bad relationships they have with their mothers, but I just don't understand. I talk to my mom about everything!
She inspires me to work hard and succeed in life, and do what I love to do.

I love my mom!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 8

Alright. The truth is, I couldn't pick just one picture of a funny moment. My life is so funny all the time that there isn't just one!

I honestly laugh ALL THE TIME. Ask those kids I call my friends. I find so many things in life hilarious, and I consider that healthy. Why would any one want to be gloomy and depressed all the time when there is this great, big, beautiful, funny world out there? Beats me.

Day 7

My most treasured item would have to be my camera.

I mean my most treasured "item" in my life besides family, friends, church, education, and stuff like that.

I got this baby for my sweet 16 and I've been learning a lot about photography. It is something I am really interested and am considering for a career. Who knows?

All I know is I love it. And I treasure it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Right Now

My mom just made beef stew for dinner. Yum.
She made brownies w/ peanut butter frosting for dessert.

When I am older, I am going to be just like her and make delicious Sunday night dinners. Actually, I will make delicious dinner every night.

So, I just registered for SATs. I might throw up. I'm also taking a free SAT given by my school this weekend. My life has become a jumble of tests and work.

I had a really great weekend this weekend. Unexpectedly good.

Friday night, my best friend came down to hang out with me. We went to Panera and ran into another one of my friend's and her boyfriend. They joined us and we had a lovely little time.

It is always a relief when your different friends don't clash. Everyone got along great and we laughed the night away.

On Saturday I woke up bright and early, 5:15. I went to an Academic Decathelon meet for the day. I am not exceptionally smart, but I figured Acadec would be a great addition to my college apps. It's actually proved to be a lot of fun!

We took loads and loads of tests, which left me completely exhausted. At the awards ceremony I got an honorable mention for the music test! I was beyond thrilled. Also, my team made states! Which was awesome.

Saturday night I played lazertag for the first time! It is SO MUCH FUN. I went with a bunch of lovely friends and we had the best time! It was a great night.

Today I went to church, which is always good. It really refreshes me, and gets me ready for the stressful week ahead. It was great today.

Now I'm relaxing, while my grandparents visit. I'm also planning my trip to Washington DC/Virgina over April vacation :D I can not wait for that!

I think I am going to get myself a peanut butter frosted brownie!

Later Gators!

Day 6

Something I'd like to do again?

Be a zombie. That was a lot of fun.