Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In a World of my Own

I suppose if I could have it my way, I would just sit on the porch in the sun reading.
I mean, wouldn't that be a lovely way to spend time?

Instead of worrying about SATs and AP exams
Instead of stressing over work and college
Instead of feeling blue and sick
Instead of everything.

One of my absolute favorite books is Alice in Wonderland.
I want to have my own wonderland.
A place I could just escape to without worry.

Do you see a theme in this post?
I'm over-the-top worried about my life.
Yay for being a teenager at the craziest time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A to Z

I stole this from my lovely friend Lauren. Check her out @ http://laurenendicott.blogspot.com/. She's a pretty cool cat. Alright, here goes...

Age: 16

Bed size: rather small

Chore you hate: cleaning my room. It takes ages!

Dogs: Fritz! My cute, big, cuddly doggy.

Essential start to your day: cranberry juice & a warm shower.

Favorite color: torn between red, green, & mustard yellow.

Gold or Silver: Silver dahling.

Height: 5'8

Instrument: flute, piano, & hopefully ukulele and geetar.

Job Title: "Sales Associate" & "Receptionist"

Kids: ha.

Live: new england.

Mom's name: Deana.

Nickname: I don't really have one. Emma is short enough I guess.

Overnight hospital stays: so far, none.

Pet peeves: arrogance, among many things.

Quote from a movie: "I love you, I'll call you in 5 minutes"
-Buddy the Elf

Right-handed or left-handed: lefty!

Siblings: Ben & Peter.

Time you wake up: 4:45 every weekday.

Underwear: yes, I wear underwear...?

Vegetables you dislike: I love veggies!

What makes you run late: Changing my outfit. Or my family dilly-dallying.

X-rays: my mouth, my back, my arm.

Yummy food you make: chocolate peanut butter bars. numnumyumyumyum.

Zoo animal: elephants, they are the cutest things.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Ok, I need to vent. I cannot STAND when people assume they know you when in actual reality, they haven't got a clue who you really are. I honestly don't know how I come off as to other people. Some think I'm stuck up while others think I am extremely innocent. But really, I am neither of those things. I am just a person trying to live my life. I don't bother anyone and most of the time people don't bother me. I usually keep to myself, but if something important to me is thrown into the conversation, I speak up. It just drives me crazy when people assume I am a certain way because of my religion, or my family, or any other thing. Things happen in my life and I learn. Hello, that is how it is for everyone. This is probably why I keep to myself, I just cannot stand people sometimes. Ok vent over.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh boy. This picture is a little too hipster.

Today I sort of got a reality check.
I had no idea how distracted I've been this past term.
I've been floating around, just like a zombie.
School is not going so hot.
So I guess I've really got to work on that.

On the brighter side of life, my roadtrip is in two weeks!
My mum, my brother, & I are hitting the road as soon as april vacation starts.
We are visiting friends, looking at colleges, and visiting our nation's capital!
I am totally stoked. I've never been.
I'm also going to test out my diana camera,
and of course bring around my lovely old gal as well.
It will be a full week of mixed tapes, pb&j's, and loveliness.
I can not wait.

I am trying to keep as positive as possible about this final stretch.
Summer is creepin' in, but I need to stay focused.
& although I can't wait for summer, I don't want it coming to quick.
Because truthfully, I'm scared of growing up to fast.

Lately I'm really unsure of where I am headed.
I mean what am I working at?
I don't know where I want to go, or what I want to do.
I give things so much effort and end up with less than I expect.
It sounds whiny and selfish,
but I just want to be amazing.

I just want to do something and be amazing at it. I want to be the best.

I realize that sounds terrible, but it would be really nice. It would make me feel good anyway.

Anyways, life is exciting and scary, but I'm surviving. Things always seem worse than they are, and you know what? I am almost there. So I am going to rub some dirt in it, and just relax.

Have a lovely weekend!

Florence + the Machine

This is my favortie music video ever. Florence is just a vision and I adore the autumn colors.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Believe

Prom Night

Well Friday night I went to this little dance called prom... there were family members.....
candid pictures...........
pretty flowers............
tongues that just couldn't stay in people's mouths.....
classy dresses...well at least in my circle of friends...
faces made at my stage mom of a mother............
lovely hair my auntie did up...............

beautiful friends............
funny friends..........
me ruining pictures because I made faces at my mom...
handsome boys.........
silly, beautiful friends.........
the best prom date ever.......
.......and the sillest..........

best bro pictures..........
favorite full length pictures.........
cute angle pictures..........
just cute........
& good looking faces...........
Oh so many pictures!

I couldn't have asked for a better prom!

It was filled with silly moments, ackward moments, but best of all sweet moments.

My best friend Tyler is quite the gentlemen.

He was the best prom date ever.

& the best guy friend a girl could have.

My friends never fail to make ever outing hilarious.

So of course, prom was filled with those silly times.

I won't even tell you about the ackward times.

Let's just say hiding out in the bathroom from a dance contest

& meeting strange older women with crazy stories.

Enough said.

Prom was lovely and I'm glad I have such wonderful friends.