Friday, October 28, 2011

Ferris Bueller

This poor little blog has been so neglected lately. But big, stressful, life things have been happening and leaving me exhausted. College this, school that. Friends, family, church, work. There just isn't enough Emma to go around. But I did have a stress-relieving day yesterday!

My best friend Charlotte came home from her ballet boarding school for a long weekend and I ditched school to spend the day with her! It was very cold and very very rainy. But it was perfect.

Have you seen the show Parenthood? I mainly started watching it because Lauren Graham was in it, and I am Gilmore Girls no. 1 fan, but now I am totally hooked.
It honestly makes me so emotional. But in the good kind of way.

Hm, I really don't have too much else to say. I'm just working a lot. Merry Christmas by the way. Hallmark is decked out in ornaments and Peanuts products. It's a crazy time right now. Then there's college applications which are FREAKING ME OUT. I am really trying to get into BYU or BYU-I. They are cheaper for me and I just really want to try that out. Being around some different people, trying something new. It scares me to leave New England and my family though. But I need to take the plunge sometime, somehow. I really really want to get into either of those two.

I need to catch up my grades & catch up my Zzz's this weekend. That is my goal. I also have a photoshoot Saturday morning and a church activity & concert Saturday night! It is going to be a really fun weekend. No work either! How strange is that?

Have a lovely weekend kitties!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Little Hello

Even though senior year is insane, I've been trying to enjoy it.
My last year home? It just doesn't seem real.
Wherever I end up I'm sure it will be great.
But nothing can top a New England autumn. 
So I am just going to sit back, enjoy a fresh apple, and stare at the leaves.

I live in the most beautiful place in the world. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Music Crush

Oh My Gourd

Do you ever read the signs in front of stores as you drive past?
Well, it is one of my favorite past times. 

And some are seriously witty, which is always a delight.
Particularly in the autumn.
Don't ask me why, but I get a kick out of them.

Here's a gem I saw last week outside of a church,

"Autumn leaves, Jesus doesn't."

Okay c'mon people! That is hilarious.
Last year my mum and I were driving past a flower shop.
And guess what their sign said,

"Oh my gourd, pumpkins for sale."

Oh my gourd, Oh my gourd, Oh my gourd?
Tell me that's not the greatest thing you've ever heard.

My mother and I still crack up over it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Senior Picture

 Well you picked it.
Here's my senior picture!

It was a really beautiful location in Acton, ME where my grandparent's have their lake house. We went to a hill overlooking an apple orchard. The foliage was surreal and these pictures just don't do it justice!

So what do you think? This picture will be forever after all. I'm honestly pretty pleased with it. My mother took it. It took a while and a few spats before we finally got the hang of things. I just feel better behind the viewfinder than in front of it. I was critiquing and being sort of bossy. But I know what I want! If I could take my own photos I would, but my mom did a pretty good job I think!

PS I am a squinter. I mean the picture on the right. That is honestly how I usually look. Pale and squinty.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Breakfast At Tiffany's is on netflix instant watch. So guess what I am watching right now? Today was a beautiful day. I went out to breakfast before school with a few friends and ate the MOST delicious pancakes of my life. Then I had a field trip to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston which was absolutely beautiful. And I just got home from a football game, I'm in the band. The only downside was I had a physical at the doctors and got 2 shots and a finger prick :(

Oh yes, just another exciting episode of Ways Emma Bores Us With Her Life Stories. But I digress.

Is it insane to want to spend all of your time alone, but then to want someones company at the same time? I just cannot stand people anymore and I want to just live under a rock, but then I think I would miss people. It is completely backwards.

I feel like Holly Golightly sometimes. She s always uncertain and moving. I'm that way. She's afraid to get attached to things, so am I. I am having a hard time surviving at the moment. I want to just erase everything and start over. College could not come fast. Whoa, knock on wood. I don't really mean that.

Did I tell you I wrote my college essay on The Beatles? And everyone seems to like it so far? I am feeling pretty content with it. Of course, I'm still one big ball of stress, but what can ya do.

I think I will catch up on some sleep. I'm so glad it is such beautiful fall weather. Perfect for getting all comfy cozy, and snuggling up in a warm blanket! Goodnight moon!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Colors of the Wind

It gets exhausting being me. But I'm lucky I got to squeeze in a photo shoot with these lovely ladies last week. They are both applying to art schools, so we are all taking turns taking shots of each other. Alicia's shooting us next, check her out at her blog! She is one of my closest friends and she has a sweet soul.She's a little rough around the edges, but it just makes her that much more beautiful! Haley is quite a doll as well! I love spending time with her, because she is seriously the raddest girl I know. With impeccable music taste!

My week has been insane. 20 hours plus of work. Not to mention full time school with hours of homework included. Oh, and my car broke down. And I feel completely incompetent.

Worst of all college is stressing my out so much. I need to write my entire college essay this week, and I want it to be just perfect! I want it to be unique and creative but not too out there. I want it to all make sense and capture me in one paper. It is proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought.

I had this plan for senior year, that I would take SO many pictures so I could remember it. But I haven't been doing that :( I actually just thought about that plan and wanted to cry. I have been extremely emotional lately. There's a lot going on in my head. So tomorrow I'm going to start taking a picture a day AT LEAST. This is my year, I won't let it pass me by! Wish me luck this week!